School Health & Medicine Safety Quiz

How much do I know about SAFETY?

1. Your child is 17 pounds and rides in a car seat facing

a Frontwards
b Backwards

2. There are double airbags (driver & passanger) in your car. The child in the passanger front seat is 10 years old. This is:

a Not proper due to the fact the child is not over the age of airbag safety use.
b Proper since the child is well over the age limit of requiring a child seat.

3. The leading cause of death in the U.S. for children is:

a Illness
b Accidents/Injury

4. A boy is burned with hot coffee covering areas that are bare skin as well as on his clothes, the first thing you must do is:

a Attempt to take off the clothes
b Put the child under running cool water
c Call 911

5. An 8 year old girl falls against a table and knocks out a whole adult tooth. The tooth lands on the table. The first thing you should do is:

a Apply a clean cloth and ice to the face and mouth area.
b Look over the lip and mouth to see if there is any areas needing stitching.

6. After caring for the child above, you should:

a Place the tooth in a bag of ice and take it with you to the doctor's office or ER.
b Place the tooth in a cup of milk or regular yogurt and take it with you to the doctor's office or ER.

7. A 16 year old boy gets a lot of dirt kicked in his eye when he slid into homebase at a ball game. He says his eye "hurts and really itches." You notice he is rubbing it vigorously. The eye appears reddened, teary and dirty. You should:

a Turn head to side over a wash basin and use an eye wash to rinse the dirt from the eye.
b Call the parent and ask that the child be taken to a doctor to check for injury to the eye. Keep the child from rubbing the eye until picked up by parent.
c A and B.

8. A 9 year old female student starts to choke on a piece of hot dog, turning a dusty shade of blue around her lips. Before 911 is called, the Heimlich manuver is done successfully and the child is sitting up talking, appearing fine. No discoloring is noted & vital signs are stable. She would like to go back to class with the rest of the children. You should:

a Call 911 and have her transported to the ER.
b Call the parent and tell them what happened. Inform them that the child is fine and will be returning to class.
c Call the parent and ask that they or EMS transport the child to the ER to be observed.


1. b. Backwards
Until the child is 20 pounds, they must ride facing the rear of the car.
Question 2

2.a. Improper
A child under the age of 13 are generally not tall enough for the airbag to hit the proper place of the body to avoid facial injury. Often, boys are not tall enough until the age of 15 or 16 since their growth spurt is slower than girls.
Question 3

3. b. Accidents/Injury
Accidents include, but not limited to, drownings, falls, burns, crashes, and other things that can be prevented. Quite often, taking some extra time or care can prevent injuries from accidents. Take a look around your home, school, or other places children are and see if you can find something that can be changed to prevent an accident.
Question 4

4. b. Put the child under cool running water.
This cools the burning quickly. DO NOT put COLD water, ice or butter over the burning area. This actually seals the heat in and allows it to continue to burn deeper. After starting the water running over the child, have someone call 911. If you are alone, run the water over the child for 3-5 minutes to rinse the child off , STOP THE WATER to prevent leaving the child alone in the water, call 911, then they will instruct you when you need to continue rinsing the child while waiting for EMS to arrive.
Question 5

5. a.Apply a clean cloth and ice to the face and mouth area.
Pulling on the facial area will only open a wound further. Ice and pressure slows the swelling process and decreases the clotting time and bloodloss.
Question 6

6. Got Milk?
b. Place the tooth in a cup of milk or regular yogurt and take it with you to the doctor's office or ER.
The Milk and Yogurt have calcium and sugar in it to nourish to root and tooth to increase the chances of reimplanting the original tooth. A majority of re-implantations done this way are successful if done within a few hours after the injury.
Question 7

7. c. A and B.a. Turn head to side over a wash basin and use an eye wash to rinse the dirt from the eye.
b. Call the parent and ask that the child be taken to a doctor to check for injury to the eye. Keep the child from rubbing the eye until picked up by parent.
Although an eye may appear fine after rinsing the eye with eye wash, small scratches unseen by the naked eye, dust and dirt often lead to eye infections and permanant injury to the eye.
Question 8

8. c. Call the parent and ask that they or EMS transport the child to the ER to be observed.
During the choking process, lungs start to fill with fluid and excess amounts of Carbon Dioxide quickly. A person will appear fine after the heimlich manuever is performed successfully. Observation should be done after any choking no matter how minor. Lung suctioning and oxygen is sometimes necessary to prevent any further complications such as Respirtory arrest or infection.

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