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Device and Programs for Diagnostics and Treatment of Binocular and Stereoscopic Vision Impairments.

Russain version at

The device is intended for diagnostics and treatment of strabismus, amblyopia and other binocular and stereoscopic vision impairments, for cultivating, training and developing of stereoscopic vision. The device can be useful both for children and for special control in such fields of human activities as flying, navigation and so on, where the stereoscopic vision have a great importance.

         The device was developed by Russia Cinema & Photo Research Institute in cooperation with Moscow Medical University ( Disease of the Eye Department ) and Moscow Helmholtz Institute of Ophthalmology.

         The device  consists of IBM compatible computer,  liquid crystal glasses ( LCG ), electronic controller for driving LCG and synchronization with IBM PC, and special software.
       The software enables for train and develop stereoscopic vision, objective measuring of some stereoscopic vision parameters (horizontal and vertical phoria, fusion reserves, fixation disparity, stereoscopic visual threshold, ets ).
         Operation of the device is based on alternative generation of pictures for left and right eyes on the monitor screen. Controller gives pulses on LCG so that plate for left or right eye opens synchronously with pictures. The frequency of switching is more than 80 Hz and that's why the flickering is absent. Thus, a separate demonstration of images to the left or to the right eye in turn is obtained for patients being unaware and creates the conditions of binocular perception close to natural ones without any additional separation of vision fields.
          The device is recommended for use in medical practice by Department of Public Health and Medical Industry of Russia. The results of many tests in numerous ophthalmologic clinics showed that the device improves the quality of binocular functions, helps to increse fusion reserves, to decrese the thresholds of the depth perception and stereoscopic vision.

                This page was written by Victor Elkhov. Questions or comments are welcome.
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