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             subscribe to KPTX               Digests                     Reading the list on the web          Links and Resources

                        KPTX List Member Profiles                     DIALYSIS List, Members Profile Page


Welcome to the Kidney/Pancreas Transplant Recipients List (kptx).


     The focus of this list is to provide support, to encourage, and provide information for Pancreas/Kidney Transplant Recipients, and those who are interested in P/K Transplants. Since dealing with the long term chronic condition and complications from years of Diabetes, still affects people after a transplant, we formed this group a few years ago to deal with those issues.

   Our only stated rule is to treat everyone on this list with respect, kindness, and understanding. While we presently approve all subscription requests , the list manager(s) also known as the list owner(s) Barry, Ned and Alan reserve the right to unsubscribe or take other action limiting a members access to the KPTX List.

   Of course, the obvious applies, please do not give or expect to receive medical advice, always consult your transplant team about information discussed on this list. We expect there will be medical professionals who will provide their input from time to time, which you should use for discussion with your transplant team.

  If you are new to the list, you might take this opportunity to introduce yourself to the others. Let us know where and when you received your transplant, (or if you're waiting for one), what part of the country you reside, how you're doing, etc. Reading the profiles of some of our list members may also help you familiarize your self with our list. We also urge you to review the profiles of KPTX members at

   If you "DO NOT" want to be on this list, and have tried to unsubscribe by sending a blank e-mail to please notify us immediately at

   To reply to list messages the address is  Please change the subject line if you do change the subject, it helps to have a subject line that people can easily determine some of the content. We hope you enjoy and benefit from   In addition to receiving the posts everyday, you can now search the message archives, after you register at . You will then be able to read all the previous posts for the past week or years, and sort by subject (thread), date, or author.  This is an excellent way to find a discussion on a topic of interest. 

   KPTX for some time has been set to moderate all new joining members. After the member sends a few on topic posts we soon set them to follow the list policy of un-moderated. This was initially done to prevent someone form joining just to send spam to the entire list. I also have turned off the setting where one could view the list of all the KPTX members. Thereby getting all the addresses in one shot rather than waiting for emails to be sent. We can only do so much to prevent those unwanted emails from finding their way to our inbox.


Please let us know if you experience any problems by sending an e-mail to our home address:
Ned, Barry, Alan


Subscribe to kptx
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rather than the above form a user can send a blank email to the default subscription address, for example:

To UN-subscribe from a list , a user sends a blank email to

findmail/ makelist /eGroups has changed their name to YahooGroups, all mail will end up at YahooGroups if sent to any of their names



  • Individual Emails
    Messages are delivered one at a time to your email inbox. This is the best option if you want to keep up on the latest posts immediately. Email attachments, if included in a message and allowed by your moderator, will be sent directly to you.

  • Daily Digest
    Messages are delivered in batches of 25 or daily, whichever comes sooner. This is the best option if you want to receive fewer mail messages and don't need up-to-the minute posts in your inbox. 

    Subscribing to a List Digest

    Any user can request the digest form of an email list by sending a blank email to the digest subscription address. For example, to subscribe to the KPTX list in digest format, a user sends a blank email to:

    findmail/ makelist/ eGroups has changed their name to YahooGroups, all mail will end up at YahooGroups if sent to any of their names

    If a user is already subscribed to the list in question, sending a blank email to the digest subscription address will simply switch the delivery mode from the normal, one message at a time format, to the digest format. To switch the subscription back to receiving each message individually, a user sends a blank email to the default subscription address, for example:

    To UN-subscribe from a list digest, a user sends a blank email to the same address used normally to unsubscribe from an email list, for example:



  • No Mail / Web Only
    This option puts email message delivery on hold, for example while you are on vacation. If message archives are available, this option also permits you to read messages at the Yahoo! Groups web site. Note that message archive options are determined by each moderator, and that some groups have no web message archives.


Reading the list on the web

Y o u wrote:

>I just became a member to the KPTX list and I am unable to
>access the web site at:
>Am I doing something wrong?

I'll copy this post to help others, too.

When you get to the site, you need to register by putting you mouse "cursor" on the "log in" button. and click.

You will then go to a screen that will ask you at the bottom of page:

New User? for a FREE YahooGroups account.

Click on that button, and register on the next page with your e-mail address, and then fill in the boxes on the following page. The system will send you back a verification code which you will then be able to use to enter your new password and then have access.

If you have further problems, you may need to set you web browser to accept "cookies", and as an EX-DIABETIC, that should be OK (-: Just kidding, "cookies" is a net term for a code to allow the list to know it is you signing back on. Don't worry about this one, unless you still have problems, and if you do, please write to me at


How do I get into the list archives?

 the Internet Site Address for the list.
Even Though you are a member of the list, you will need to register at the site to obtain access to the archives.

Follow the instructions to register,  if you have a problem, send an email to:

Subscribe to kptx
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rather than the above form a user can send a blank email to the default subscription address, for example:

To UN-subscribe from a list , a user sends a blank email to

findmail/ makelist /eGroups has changed their name to YahooGroups, all mail will end up at YahooGroups if sent to any of their names

links and other resources

the TRNSPLNT e-mail list at
   TRNSPLNT  is a first stop for many of our members, who subscribe to both lists, yes it can be read on usenet as bit.listserv.transplant Mike Holloway who runs the list has compiled a very good FAQ on transplant resources and subjects.

To subscribe, click on  TRNSPLNT  

or  send the following command to LISTSERV@WUVMD.WUSTL.EDU via email

 in the body put:

where "Your Full Name" is your name. For example:


The  list is also a significant subject related e-mail list.

or by email

List owner: 


Web sites  has additional information and many links on kidney pancreas transplants

Lori Noyes' Organ Transplant Web site Also has many links on all areas of transplants.



subscribe to KPTX, Digests, Reading the list on the web, Links and Resources, KPTX List Member Profiles DIALYSIS List, Members Profile Page

All pages Copyright © NEDBAL 1998©