• Lets see... I'm starting this today 4/13/98 at 3:30am because frankly I have nothing else to do and it should be easy for me to keep up with it... Don't expect anything interesting, I just need some space I think... I'm not even sure if I'll keep up with this... Hope I do... Here goes..

I'm going to do this weekly for the most part I think... week summaries or as i go along... dont know yet... this first entry is going to be a week summary though...

Week of 4/5/98

Week of 4/12/98

Week of 4/19/98

Week of 4/26/98

Space of time after said week

Yeah the next in the line

What do you think?

Apparently I am slacking here

The week from HELL

Honestly i forget what i named this

I *think* this is like when i got back to school not sure *shrug*

the blahs

its there
long overdue


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