My Pathetic Poetry

I Suck

I Suck, Really I do
So Don't, You'll get hurt
Stay away be safe
Can't you see?

Why didn't you listen?
Stay away don't get hurt
Let me go, set me free
Keep your heart intact, please


from dusk til dawn
the world it sleeps
the moon and stars
come out and peek

stars shining in the sky
each a soul of one we loved
watching us with bold bright eye

so when next you look into the night
even if the stars are out of sight
look up and see the star shining down

so do not weep when i die
take a breath & step outside
into the cool night air & look above

find my star
feel my love

who am i?

lost in myself
i dont know what to do
who am i or rather who are you

a child once
brief and short
gone now
for what?

never learned to play
friends? who were they
no one to call my own
always will be alone

now here i am
sill asking why
who are you?
no who am i?

The Me I See

I see myself not as I am
I see a phantom, a ghost
I see what others don't care to see
I see my soul, a desolate land

I looked at myself in my mirror
I looked at the pain in my eyes
I looked at the scars on my shoulders
I looked at my spirit, denied

I searched for someone to love me
I searched within myself
I searched the people around me
I searched but found nothing

I seek a love so tender
I seek a love to feel
I seek a love to warm me
I seek a love to heal

©1998 MindTrap