Just a Rantok... so i put up this site to be informative etc for everyone ya know maybe help some... but what the fuck is the use i know as well as the rest of yo uthat whne your suicidal nothing *NOTHING* is going ot change that for you.. you wnat to die... like right now i want to die and i dotn give a fuck about my typing right now cuz im jsut ranting here ok? so deal with it not that anyones ganna see this anyways... right? i mean really who would read this... my site isnt even worth it i doburt its linked anywhere either... and who's to say im not sane and everyone else isnt the crazy lones? huh? who's to say its crazy to twant to die? i mean thats all we ever accomplish in the end anyways... everone dies right? why cant i want to die sooner than whats "planned or fated" what the fuck is that anyways... huh??? i wana scream that i want to die but i cant cuz ppl around me wnat to die more so i shut myself off for their sake and just concentrate on them... why why should i do that? huh? tell me please why i should do that? I WANT TO DIE!!!!!!!!!arrrgh i try so hard.. and i dknow i need meds etc cuz i know im terrified of trying to go back to work and stuff i cant deal with people... little things *always* set me off i wnat to curl up in my own little corner and i dont know just dissapear most of the time... and who am i to put this website up anyways? im just as fucked up if not more fucked up than anyone who's ganna find a use for it right? isnt that right besides i wnat to die half the time... and this is like a n overdue update but i dotn caere you see i dont care!!!! arrrgh what the fuck is werong with me i cant type cuz im like ARRGH and i cant talk to anyone cuz im so afraid oftheir state being shattered cuz i dont know i just arrgh fuck... and now i have bills and cats and aubrey... arrgh awdoljfporedbvgWORdgbhoifrcbgnh !!!!!!!!!! i just want to dissapear i just dont watn to be here anymore i just want to be gone i want to have never enetered anyone's minds or memories i want to have never existed at all i have not made any contributions whatsoever anytime anywhere so what good i smy life? its just taking up space and air better used for someoen who deserves it istn that right/ isnt it? hiuh? and besides onbody want tos talk to me anymore not anytone in real life cuz im too afraid to tlak to them and not anyone online cuz they've decided that im a big huge monster.. isnt that nice? im a monster!!!! woo hoo!!!! i want to die... and im fat remember that i can let it roll of my shoulders but im fat im huge im obese im a cow!!!! anywas thanks for listening even though i know nobyd did and nobyd knows what i was syaing cuz it was so incoherent ant ytped so badyl but i dont care cuz im not int he mood to fix a goddamn piece of it ok? ok alright deal with it!!! goodbye! |