The help is rendered after the appeal immediately, I at once raise protective (immune) function of the person's organism - if level of this function is low even the most perfect medicine may appear powerless.
It may be a reality giving chance to the person when the doctors don't guarantee result, or in the resolving of the problem not relating to health.
My experience of the help to a person (not of the treatment - treatment is the right of the doctor) began in 1938 after penetrating wound (clinical death, 22 days in coma, organic damage of the brain).
I have now a frontal pulsating scar.
«After traumas you had an opportunity to be arranged under other parameters of the phenomenon.
Here it is necessary to feel with soul, to go through fear of mors - revival and to revive at a new level. It also has taken place with you. You have died and were born anew, and now see the others as though from height of the new life»
In the past - the faculty manager in high school, I was engaged in medical work for rehabilitation of the students' health.
My method of SOS-help by correspondence to the person (telesuggestion)
gives to me an opportunity:
To improve psychophysical health,
including reanimation patients and recovering from coma state,
difficulty curable diseases (Down illness, absent-minded sclerosis...),
in case of diseases of nervous, cardiac - respiratory systems, internal organs,
supporting-impellent organ, substances exchange infringement, epilepsy, hearing,
bronchial asthma, hypertensive cris, head pains, skull-brain trauma, children's
cerebral palsy, insult, infarct, neurosis, lowered immunity, cerebral cortex
function violation, myopia, fears, gastritis.
- To help people suffering from mental frustration
(according to the World organization of public health services
a quarter of the population of our planet suffer from mental frustration:
120 millions - from stresses, depression, neuroses;
about 50 millions - from epilepsy, 24 - from schizophrenia)..
To solve a problem situation: bad luck in achievement of the vital purposes,
at work, in business; adverse attitudes in family, with close persons;
problem of loneliness; to prevent Negative information of the present and past times influence on the person.
To restore - if necessary - compatibility with relatives, colleagues as
pledge of kind mutual relations, absence of which causes failures,
loss of Love, Goods, Pardon, Repentance.
Efficiency of the help, as I believe, depends on
compatibility of the inherent field frequencies of my and percepter
organisms (lat. percepter - person, perceiving mental information of another person by sense organs).
Therefore my help is not universal, it is not perceived by all persons.
Opportunity of the help person himself defines in trial sessions in quiet
conditions during 3 days, not more (otherwise adaptation to the help is possible
having as result disappointment in it).
These days another nonconventional treatment must be excluded.
Before a session forgive your offenders and ask pardons from the persons you have offended.
You must lie down befor going to sleep, close eyes, imagine figuratively
yourself in state of good health and joy
or imagine figuratively favourable process of your problem situation and ask
(let relatives and close persons also ask) me:
"Kirill [Kiril], help me" (Kirill is my christened name).
Then it's necessary to relax, to become disconnected*
and during 20 minutes to lie without ideas.
After termination thank the Creator.
* to be disconnected :
Status before dream, it's better to fall asleep, don't pray, don't meditate,
not listening to himself and nothing expecting, don't try, don't be focused,
- as if you have switched off desktop laamp, nothing around.
During test your protective function raises.
Improvement of health, sensation of the help, feeling of pleasure and satisfaction mean that
I can begin work to render to you the correspondence help.
After the positive test my connection to you in real mode of time is necessary.
Inform me about your reaction (it may be different) by means of E-mail.
Don't judge too severely if the test will be not perceived, you will be helped by other doctor, healer.
If it's needed I «examine» and give information about negative prime cause of the far past with the subsequent prevention of its pernicious influence on you in the present and future.
«viewing» the person's in depth of centuries negative prime cause
information control with instant feedback
My method also allows:
- To support in situations when well-timed medical assistance is impossible:
onboard of planes, submarines; when shipwrecked;
to the climbers, tourists, travellers in difficult situations;
to the people which have got under blockages, cut off from the help
as a result of earthquakes, acts of nature, failures, acts of terrorism.
Support of the seamen in long sailings.
- Help to sportsmen in achievement of the best results
- To assist animals
- To clean distantly your dwelling, office, premise, of the
Negative information adversely influencing health;
to grant a state information of the purchased automobile.
last modified: Apr 09, 2003