Committed To The Support Of Parents With Children Suffering From GERD and Related Motility Disorders |
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International Association of Reflux Parents Thank you for your interest in helping us. Our mission is to support, educate and encourage parents with children suffering from Gastroesophageal Reflux and related motility disorders. Unfortunately, all that we do requires money. We would like to print out informational brochures to be distributed to parents with reflux children by pediatricians and GI pediatricians. For us to do this, we need money to pay for printing costs and postage. We would also like to expand our local support groups by doing some advertising to let more parents going through this nightmare know about us. We would also like to develop our own domain name. We would appreciate any donations you are willing to make. Thank you for whatever you are able to do to help us in our cause. Please complete the following form if you wish to make a donation so that we can email you information on where to send your donation and so that you will have a record of the donation for your taxes. Below the form, please check out the information on IGIVE. It's a great way for you to help us and it doesn't cost you anything! Thanks!
We are registered with a great site called They give money to nonprofit organizations for site traffic by donating money for banner clicks--up to 5 per person per day. IARP gets 6 cents per click, which is 30 cents per member per day. They also have cooperations with many online commerce sites(like, and many others). These sites give a percentage of the money that you spend with them to International Association of Reflux Parents. You just have to register with I-Give(it's free) and then when you spend money online with one of the sites I-GIVE has agreements with, IARP gets money! You don't pay a higher price than if you went to the site directly! It's awesome and you can help IARP! Click here to register with I-Give and help International
Association of Reflux Parents!!