Today is
and I'd like to welcome you to the Petemoss1976 homepage. Due to problems with the counter on this site, it had been removed. It had previously said how many visitors I'd had since this site went up on April 11, 1998. If there's a number below the links to the guestbook, that's the amount of visitors this site has had. I don't know on what date that counter started counting though.
Online I am known as Petemoss1976 and I am currently living somewhere in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. In high school, I had several nicknames such as Petemoss, Sex Pistol and Pistol Pete. I chose Petemoss as I found it most appropriate. As for the use of Petemoss1976, I was unable to use the name of Petemoss (through Geocities) as that username was already taken.
In an attempt to protect my privacy, as well as that of most of the people that know me, there will not be any last names found on this site. The names of the various people mentioned in my blogs have also been changed to respect their privacy. The names of all communities have also been removed from the blogs. My apologies for any confusion that this may cause.
If you want to know more about me, or want to read some jokes or poetry, check out the links at the top of the page. Some people that know me may find this site a bit weird, but it's about me and what I'm interested in. If you find anything on my homepage offensive please sign my guestbook and advise me of the problem and I will (possibly) remove it. Please note that I'm unable to respond to any messages sent via e-mail because those responses would include my last name. I may comment on any e-mails that are sent to me via my blogs. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy my site. |