"The ability to learn or understand. The ability to cope with a new situation."
-- Webster's New World Dictionary

Our mind, in my opinion, is THE most important thing that all human beings have. Without it, we are just a blob of nothing. We gather information and knowledge throughout our entire lives. From when we are born until we pass away, we use our mind, our intelligence, our wisdom, to survive. Life long learning and the continual quest for knowledge to two very important mottos I try to live by.

"The mind is like a parachute - it only works when it is open." -- Peter Ustinov
"Wisdom is not knowing what to do now - it's knowing what to do next" -- Unknown

Below are a few links to places of learning that I have been associated with in one way or another.

Simon Fraser University
Grant MacEwan Community College
Mensa Canada Society
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -- Albert Einstein


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