Welcome to the Homepage of Sifu Vatché Bartekian of the Dragon Self-Defense Club of Montreal! Please take the time to browse leisurely through the links and pages offered here as a means to enlighten and discover new ways of thinking about the martial arts in general, and specifically about the style known as Shaolin Kempo Karaté.

Index to the World of Shaolin Kempo:

  1. Introduction to Shaolin Kempo Karaté
  2. Preliminaries of the Martial Arts
  3. The Dragon's Page
  4. The Dragon's Flight

Please come back often and visit regularly for this page is being updated regularly. For any questions or inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact Sifu Vatché Bartekian at qnemkz@yahoo.com.

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The Dragon Self-Defense Club Homepage has just been awarded the "Enlighten Martial Arts Award" and the "Enlighten the Globe Award"! Congratulations to Sifu Bartekian and his entourage of students for making this site a highly enlightening experience.

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