Toxic Implants Affect the Health and Lives of Innocent Women and Children.

This page is dedicated to furthering the education on medical and legal issues of Silicone, Saline Implants or Injections.

Silicone Adjuvant Disease is a very slow, painful and misuderstood disease process. Because diagnoses of most autoimmune diseases are difficult to make. The patients must help themselves get diagnosed. They need to empower themselves with information, sort out the long list of meaningful symptoms, and, finally, identify a doctor with a reputation for listening and diagnostic skills. We are only just beginning to understand how autoimmunity affects a person. Silicone and/or Saline Implants causes even a different twist on the subject.


If anyone finds Hope, Support, Encouragement or Education here, then this page will have served its purpose.


Please see the LINKS, BOOKS, PHONE NUMBERS provided below for futher information.
I will be updating as I am able.
This Page is and always will be Under Tender Loving Construction.
If you have you have a Website, Book or Information that I have missed, please let me know.Thank You. Rosie =)


"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.

See and decide for yourself what information the general public does not know. And how long and why the manufacturers did not tell... Their own research showed that the gel alone killed roaches and their research dogs died from being implanted with silicone! There is NO Breast Implant on the market today that is FDA approved.
Facts about Breast Implants

View the list of deadly chemicals that are in Silicone.
Toxic Chemical List

If you or a loved one is already implanted a few of the symptoms to watch for are listed on this page.

Diseases that are found amoung those that have been implanted with Breast Implants.


Need a mammogram, and you are implanted...this may be of help to you.Mammogram Information, after Breast Implants

This page contains a list of books that are recomended for further research about Breast Implants. List of Books

Warning: If you have a ruptured silicone implant, you cannot get Medical Insurance!!!

Are you aware of the dangers of donating Blood, Breast Milk, Tissue, or Organs following Silicone Breast Implants?
  • Donating Information

    Information for Florida that concerns you!
    Current Meetings that are being held by Coalition for Family Safety that tell of new Tort Reform, HMO's and more..

    And speakng of HMO's and insurance! Want to be able to sue your health insurer directly (without worrying about federal ERISA preemption) when they deny you benefits, deny you treatment (like explant), and basically get you coming and going? The issue is being debated in congress NOW. SIGN THE PETITION TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT. Visit Sign Petition IT IS VERY EASY!!!

    Some Links that you may find useful.
  • Helpful Phone Numbers & Links
    Are you or a loved one having problems with or getting disablity. Or have problems because of being disabled? Here is some links that may help you.
  • Disablity and Other Resouces

    Are you happy with the sevices that your attorney has provided? I was not... So, I decided to share some things with you, just in case you do not know your rights.
  • Attorney Infomation

    Just in case you are wondering who I am, and why I have put this webpage together, here is:
  • My Story

    When Greed outweighs the value of Human Life, Something is very wrong with our world!

    Click on image below to read about, well financed and thought out plan to to keep silicone implants on the market, even though the Manufacturers knew they are not safe!!!

    And some backgroud information about the PR Firm, Burson-Marsteller.
  • Burson-Marsteller

    What you can do! Please look at the labels when you make a purchase! Do Not Support These Unethical Companies!
    Special Thanks goes to Margaret and Bill Melvin for the Orginal Boycott List, including all corporations involved. Please do your part!!! BOYCOTT!


    Links provided are a group of Organizations or Individuals that have joined together to stand up to keep you, and your family safe from these dangerous products. Won't you please join our efforts and help us ensure a safe future for others? There is a wealth of information on these sites. Please take time to visit, and pass the information along.

  • SILICONE HOLOCAUST Marge's New Page Of Graphic Pictures, that show the damages!
  • Silicone Holocaust Infomation
    (A Must Read! Very informative page)

    Please take a moment of your time to visit Mary Cochran's New Website, to remember those who have lost their lives to silicone poisoning.

  • Memorial Gardens

    (Jenny Jones writes) Dear Friends, I mentioned on the show that I'd put more information about breast implants on my website. I thought it might be helpful if I told you a bit of my history with implants and how I feel about them now.
  • Jenny's Story

  • Write to Jenny Jenny Jones on Implants

    Click on Ribbon for more Silicone Related Websites

    Safety of implants still under debate Panel's report unlikely to end questions.

    Search for other related Implant Sites:


    Disclaimer: Implant~ Info~Net is for support and educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat a disease or ailment. Please consult with your health care provider regarding any medical issues relating to diseases, conditions, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and side effects of medications. Implant~Info~Net is not a legal site. Please consult your attorney about your personal needs. Implant~Info~Net does not endorse any sales or telemarketing of any products listed on the links. Please beware of anyone asking you for donations or selling information. Also please beware of providing personal information to someone that you do not know.

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