I've won so many awards, now it's YOUR chance to apply for mine!
To Be Nominated:
Drop me a line with my email link below.....
Please add a hyperlink to your site in your email, (saves me alot of time),
I will respond to your email within 24 hours.
Fill out the form below.
I will then visit your site & let you know if you have been accepted as an award winning site.
It's that simple!!!
Just copy and paste the following html tag onto your site. Replace the {} with <>
{center}{a href="http://welcome.to/wills"}{img src="http://geocities.datacellar.net/windsor1000/angelabanner.jpg"}{/a}{/center}
1. Your site must be about Prince William or any member of the royal family.
2. NO nudity or porno sites PLEASE!!!
3. NO commercial or business sites.
4. Your site must be able to be view by young children
5. Your site's layout has to capture my interest.
6. Your site must be finished or near finished. (If it is not, hide it somehow)
7. NO "under construction signs".
8. Amateurs only!!