1. Get a Clear picture of your self as lean and energetic. Do not think of your self as a fat person. Get that image out of your vocabulary and mind.
2. Understand and believe in principles that keep you lean.
3. Power of Self-Motivation. I can and I will loose weight.
4. Mobility Keep your self moving. This helps to burn up fuel and energy.
5. Eat in conjunction with your hunger drive. Eat regularly in amounts that satisfy you. Eat properly and follow a regular exercise program.
6. Abiltiy to handle stress. Take Stress Management courses if necessary 7. High Self Esteem A. Two sources. 1. overcome weight proboem 2. the way a lean body looks B. Make Positive Self Statements About; 1. yourself 2. family 3. friends 4. parents 5. teachers 6. employers 7. colleagues C. No longer think of your self as unhappy, worthless.
8. Feeling of well being Not depressed
9. A sense of discovery Not bored When you feel great, you want to become more involved.
10. Flowering Social Skills Ability to establish new relationships Warm, close relationships
11. Good Health I will give up depression, dispair and unhappyness!!!
12. Pick a role model to follow!!! Do what they do. This is where the Century Club comes in handy! If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got!!! This may be a cliche but it is true.
Place additional comments here, indentify how many of the Dominant Habits you possess or need to work on. Write down Strategies for doing this. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Print a copy for yourself to follow! Study these habits, if you don't understand them email Edna.