BLIND-DEV is an unmoderated discussion list dedicated to the detailed
discussion of issues concerning the development of computer products
and adaptive equipment for blind and visually impaired computer users.
This includes both hardware and software development on any system.
The purpose of BLIND-DEV is to serve as a catalyst which will both spur
and speed the development of software which will enable the blind user to
use emerging technologies, platforms, operating systems, and applications
as they are developed, so that access is built-in, rather than retrofitted.
Example topics of discussion include, but are not limited to:
Design strategies
Accessibility APIs, such as MSAA
Text-to-speech APIs, such as SSIL and SAPI
Off-screen models (OSMs)
Braille output APIs
Relevant operating system issues
BLIND-DEV, therefore, is a conduit through which software developers and
users--whatever their area of interest, level of expertise, operating
system and/or hardware platform of choice--are able to dialogue, brainstorm,
and educate one another. While BLIND-DEV is intended as a technologically
oriented list, list "lurkers" are also welcome to monitor this dialogue.
To subscribe to BLIND-DEV, type the following command:
SUBSCRIBE BLIND-DEV firstname lastname in the _BODY_ of a message (substitute your first and last names) and send it to:
It is possible to subscribe to BLIND-DEV in index form, whereby you
receive a table of contents listing the subject lines of the day's
traffic. BLIND-DEV is also available in digest form--that is, all of the
day's posts contained in a single message.
The list and its monthly archives are public. This means that one does
not have to be subscribed to the list either to post to it or to peruse
past posts. BLIND-DEV is also automatically hyperarchived. Past posts to
BLIND-DEV can be perused via the web at the following URL:
BLIND-DEV also maintains a web site, located at:
BLIND-DEV anonymous FTP repository through which developmental software may be distributed to blind/vi users, is located at:
If you have any problems with the list or would like more information contact Brendan McKeon and Gregory J. Rosmaita Listowners, BLIND-DEV
BLIND-DEV HyperArchive
BLIND-DEV FTP Repository
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