Microsoft Office 97. With Word Art, you can get

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T H U R S D A Y  2.13.97

i n s i t e   n e w s l e t t e r
  • Subscribe to our Insite newsletter for a preview of what's coming up this week at The Site, and you're automatically entered in a drawing for a free Pilot PDA!
s h a r e w a r e   o f   t h e   d a y
g e n e r a t i v e   a r t
  • TV Bliss is only a few clicks away-- the generative art program, that is.
  • Experiments in generative art abound online, as do cool fractal toys.
d e v   d o e s   g o s s i p
  • TV If you want to watch TV on your PC, Dev recommends Hauppauge.
  • Dev loves silly poems like that "waka waka" punctuation poem. Post your own masterworks to his discussion board.
s i t e   o f   t h e   n i t e
  • TV If you believe that everything old is new again, visit Retro.
  • For more nostalgia, wander through our past sites.
f r e e r i d e
  • TV Advertisers are trying some new tactics to snare online eyeballs.
t u r b u l e n t   l a n d s c a p e s
  • TV Did you miss the Turbulent Landscapes exhibit? It's still playing on the Exploratorium website.
  • Chaos theory helps us understand phenomena ranging from sand dune formation to stock-market fluctuations. Now we help you understand chaos theory.
c l i f f   s t o l l
  • Cliff hails the unsung heroes of the software industry ... maintenance programmers. Share your stories of obsolescence on his discussion board.