Feb. 28, 2001
     Lymphoma Cancer



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Virus linked to spread of breast cancer and lymphoma

ANN ARBOR, MI - Feb. 28, 2001 -- Scientists have found a link between the virus that causes the "kissing disease" and aggressive forms of breast and immune system cancers.

In a paper published in the March 2001 issue of Nature Medicine, a team of scientists led by Dr. Erle Robertson, of the University of Michigan's Cancer Center, show how the Epstein-Barr virus that causes infectious mononucleosis alters the function of a cellular protein that normally suppresses the movement of malignant cells. When this natural brake on cell migration is disabled by the virus, cancerous breast and lymphatic cells are free to metastasize or spread.

"The Epstein-Barr virus is associated with many human cancers -- including Burkitt's lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Hodgkin's disease and invasive breast cancer," says Robertson in a prepared statement.

"This is the first evidence of a human virus associated with the development of cancerous tumors targeting a cellular protein to promote the migration of malignant cells," says Robertson who is an assistant professor of microbiology and immunology at the U-M's Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The virus is very common. More than 90 percent of adults show signs of previous viral infection. Adolescents infected with the acute phase of the virus can develop infectious mononucleosis, but usually the body's natural

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immune response forces the virus to revert to its latent phase -- where it hides inside the nucleus of immune cells called lymphocytes without producing any symptoms.

Even though the virus is endemic in humans, Robertson emphasizes that most cells infected by the virus may never become malignant. Additional genetic factors are required to trigger development of cancer. Should cancer develop, however, Robertson says the risk of metastasis may be higher in individuals previously exposed to the virus.

"People with aggressive forms of cancer are most vulnerable and should be checked to determine the status of previous viral exposure when physicians are choosing the most appropriate treatment for them," Robertson says. "It also would be wise to closely monitor people with a history of active Epstein-Barr viral infection for early signs of cancer."

In the study, Dr. Chitra Subramanian, a research fellow, and Murray A. Cotter, a graduate student, investigated a gene from the Epstein-Barr virus the protein produced by infected lymphocytes when the viral gene produces its protein. The protein was found in all EBV-infected cancerous lymphocytes in the breast cancer and lymphoma cell lines analyzed in the study.

The researchers discovered that the viral protein binds to a human protein, called Nm23-H1, found in all human cells, which suppresses metastasis or the spread of malignant cells.

"The interaction between the two proteins disables Nm23-H1's natural ability to keep malignant cells in their original location thereby promoting metastasis," explains Robertson.

"We have mapped the binding site to one region of the viral protein and hope in future research to identify the exact location on the targeted protein," Robertson says. "Our goal is to find the binding site and discover how to block the interaction between these two proteins.

"If we succeed, physicians could one day be able to treat primary breast and lymphatic cancers, as well as other cancers associated with the Epstein-Barr virus, without worrying about malignant cells spreading to other parts of the body."

The research was funded by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America and the National Cancer Institute.

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     Cancer Digest
     (206) 525-7725
     Last modified: 6-Feb.-01
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