When I wrote this I was thinking how nice it would be to have a collection of quotes from people who have had a profound experience with Reiki in their life.
I thought it could be interesting for any Reiki practitioners who were curious about others, as some of us are quite isolated, and for anyone considering bringing Reiki into their lives, who would like to see first hand what some of the effects can be.
I had to cut far more quotes than I wanted to. The original article was written for a writing course with a limit of 1,000 words. I hope to dig out my papers and add in a few more at a future date.
Come Sit With Me ..
The Reiki Experience
I hesitate to imply that there is only one kind of Reiki experience, as Reiki has as many faces as there are Reiki practitioners. But I have been lucky to have a few share with me their experiences, and to be able to share them with you.
Rei - To honour and give respect
Ki - the Universal Energy
Boniface, AHR
..a healing module for mind, body and spirit. It is available to anyone who undertakes the attunement process, a fairly simple and straight forward procedure wherein the ability to channel this energy is transferred to the student.
But what is it really? How does it affect us? What is life with Reiki?
"It has changed how I look at the world, how I live in the world, and how I love. I sense the energy in the magic all around me. Sometimes in a strangers smile, or the rhythm of the wind. Reiki is magic. My word for the summer." Karen MacKenzie
"My children think I have magic in my hands. So do I. The same magic that is in the stars above us, the earth below us and the air around us." Rowyn Wood
"Magic is love with wings." Unknown
"Where does the energy come from? There are a few theories on this. Gods love, the energy that surrounds and binds all things, kind of like the force.., and other such theories. I would like to state right now I think that it doesn't matter where the energy comes from, we know that it works. Just as it is not very important that we know how two parts of an atom will always have the same spin, just that they do." Ryan J. Maynes
"I remember a wonderful story of one of the Prophets of the Baha'a faith who sat down with a research scientist. (I believe it was Abdu'l Baha) and He leaned over to the scientist and said "We study the same thing, you and I." The scientist scoffed. Abdu'l Baha got a blank look on his face and he said "What is this thing you study, the molecule? What is it made of?"
The scientist said, "It is made of atoms."
He said, "Oh, tell me, what is this thing the atom, what is it made of?"
The scientist patiently said "Neutrons and electrons."
"Oh, tell me, what are they made of?"
"I don't know."
"You see, we study the same thing" Pati Wolfgang
Sometimes we must be content to put our trust in what we see, as well as what we don't see.
"I personally have sensed the energy as a higher energy vibration throughout my entire body. This seems to be permanent and it is for me a constant reminder of the I AM (Divine, God) within me at all times. This is why the other things have occurred in me I think." Shawne Gately
"I also find I no longer feel alone in this world. Even if I was set adrift at sea, I would feel great comfort from the reiki energy. It is always there to help in all situations. You just need to call on it and it will be there." Patti Snow
"Guess I became more conscious of WHAT IS. Accepting and knowing we are all in the same energy.." Eric Weaver
"The energy is the all pervading energy of the Universe. Its life itself. It is what you may call God." Orlandus
Although Reiki is not a religion, feeling a solid connection, often for the first time, with The Divine is not an uncommon experience.
"Reiki has made me more empathic, sympathetic, caring. I also have more energy most of the time." Anna L. Juarez
"Since first receiving Reiki I have more energy, clearer priorities, more trust and surrender to God, a lack of desire to be judgemental and an absence of fear." Shawne Gately
"Ive noticed an awareness of myself. Its helped me turn inward for further development and growth." Orlandus
Reiki has blessed my life from the very first day continuously bringing bliss and joy daily. I would not want to miss the wonders of Reiki for an instant." Rev. Isabelle McVay
"I am a softer, stronger person now." Pati Wolfgang
Reiki pleasantly surprises many of us as we find our daily lives enriched by the qualities we develop as it becomes part of us.
Its not an instant fix, but can be a leg-up on many things we struggle with in Life.
"It is the Universal Life Force Energy. The energy that is everything and that everything is." Patti Snow
"I find that it is existing more and more around me." Karen MacKenzie
In working with and becoming more familiar with the energy, it seems to become easier to recognize it in everything around us, as well as within us. Many call this *the light*.
"For Reiki is always gentle and compassionate. I think of the energy of Love a lot when I am in the reiki essence." Karen MacKenzie
"I have now noticed that I look around me everywhere now with a sense of unconditional love." Shawne Gately
"In the end there is only LOVE. It is the love of the universe, creation, divinity. Reiki is about that love energy." Karen MacKenzie
One common effect of Reiki is to calm and relax. In this state it is much easier to behave in a loving manner. Add to this the innate loving energy that can be felt when utilizing Reiki and it is easy to see why love is also a common theme.
Love, healing, wonder and much more are all possibilities when one is aquainted with Reiki.
One day, you may look around and realize that a dear and special friend has indeed come to sit, with you and within you.
Karen MacKenzie
Rev. Isabelle McVay
Pati Wolfgang
Eric Weaver
Anna L. Juarez
Patti Snow
Shawne Gately
Alt.healing.reiki (newsgroup)
Ryan J. Maynes
Rowyn Wood
And thanks to Alanis Morissette for writing the words that dance in my head..
"I love you when you dance..so pure, such an expression."
*Reiki, The Lecgacy of Dr. Usui* , Frank Arjava Petter His latest which promises to hold some very interesting information from Japan and translations from Usui - sensei's original handbook. (you'll find additional info on Rick Rivards site)
*Reiki Fire*, Frank Arjava Petter