When I wrote this I was thinking how nice it would be to have a collection of quotes from people who have had a profound experience with Reiki in their life.


I thought it could be interesting for any Reiki practitioners who were curious about others, as some of us are quite isolated, and for anyone considering bringing Reiki into their lives, who would like to see first hand what some of the effects can be.


I had to cut far more quotes than I wanted to. The original article was written for a writing course with a limit of 1,000 words. I hope to dig out my papers and add in a few more at a future date.




Of Magic 

And Mystery

So Pure

Such An Expression

Of Light

And Love


Come Sit With Me ..

The Reiki Experience


I hesitate to imply that there is only one kind of Reiki experience, as Reiki has as many faces as there are Reiki practitioners. But I have been lucky to have a few share with me their experiences, and to be able to share them with you.


Rei - To honour and give respect

Ki - the Universal Energy

Boniface, AHR


 ..a healing module for mind, body and spirit. It is available to anyone who undertakes the attunement process, a fairly simple and straight forward procedure wherein the ability to channel this energy is transferred to the student.


But what is it really? How does it affect us? What is life with Reiki?





  "It has changed how I look at the world, how I live in the world, and how I love. I sense the energy in the magic all around me. Sometimes in a strangers smile, or the rhythm of the wind. Reiki is magic. My word for the summer." Karen MacKenzie


 "Magic is love with wings." Unknown



Although Reiki is not a religion, feeling a solid connection, often for the first time, with The Divine is not an uncommon experience.




"It is the Universal Life Force Energy. The energy that is everything and that everything is." Patti Snow


"I find that it is existing more and more around me." Karen MacKenzie


In working with and becoming more familiar with the energy, it seems to become easier to recognize it in everything around us, as well as within us. Many call this *the light*.



Love, healing, wonder and much more are all possibilities when one is aquainted with Reiki.

One day, you may look around and realize that a dear and special friend has indeed come to sit, with you and within you.







Karen MacKenzie



Rev. Isabelle McVay

Pati Wolfgang

Eric Weaver

Anna L. Juarez



Patti Snow



Shawne Gately


Alt.healing.reiki (newsgroup)


Ryan J. Maynes

Rowyn Wood



And thanks to Alanis Morissette for writing the words that dance in my head..

"I love you when you dance..so pure, such an expression."


*Reiki, The Lecgacy of Dr. Usui* , Frank Arjava Petter His latest which promises to hold some very interesting information from Japan and translations from Usui - sensei's original handbook. (you'll find additional info on Rick Rivards site)

*Reiki Fire*, Frank Arjava Petter


Reiki Pages

The Fine Art Of Letting Go

Parenting Pages
