Reinventing You

Apr 2, 2007, 18:43

One of the most beautiful aspects of life on this planet is that we always
have the option to reinvent ourselves. If you don't like what you are
experiencing, you can change it. If you want to play at a higher level, you
can choose to grow. We have the ability to dream and to make our dreams
come true. One thing that stops us is our own fear.

Author Leslie Charles says: "Fear is nothing to be afraid of." (Stick To
It! The Power of Positive Persistence, Yes Press) It happens. It can
paralyze us if we let it. It can drive our behavior, if we let it. It is
important to keep fear in perspective. Anytime we are thinking about making
a change, bettering ourselves, or finding new success, fear is likely to
show up. Author Susan Jeffers says we should feel the fear and do it
anyway. (Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, Fawsett Book Group) Taking action
helps us to move through fear.

Action needs to be purposeful. We need to be clear about what it is that we
want. Without a clear vision there is starting and stopping, hesitation,
and feeling stuck. Whether I am reinventing myself for spiritual, personal
or business success (or all of the above), I need to make sure of what I
want. What would it look like, feel like, sound like? Am I willing to go
the distance? For example, if I want to be a more loving person, am I
willing to stay loving even when others may act hateful toward me?

Once I am clear about where I want to go or what I want to become, I may
still feel afraid. Author Jan Forrest says: "By asking ourselves what we
are afraid of, and acknowledging its hold on us, we intuit which keys will
unlock the door of our self imposed stockade." (Awakening the Spirit
Within, Heart to Heart Press) Fears need to be faced. Sometimes we are
afraid to know what we are afraid of. I have learned that my demons, no
matter how horrible they may seem, are created by me. Their bark is always
greater than their bite. Sometimes my fears really give me a good laugh,
because they can be quite silly.

I ask myself: "What's the worst thing that can happen?" Often the worst
thing that can happen is nothing, and nothing is what will happen if I
don't act. A Course in Miracles says: "Look at what you are afraid of.
Only the anticipation will frighten you." (Foundation for Inner Peace) In
my book, The Road Home, (Transformative Press) I talk about the fear of
abandonment in relationships. I found that I feared abandonment and
rejection so much that I wanted it to hurry up and happen. Once I was
abandoned I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. I laughed when I had
that realization.

Seeing that I had survived all previous abandonment's and moved on to other
relationships, I let go of the fear. My partner was free to stay or leave,
and I would be just fine. I learned that I could never be abandoned because
God and "I" would always be with me. I reinvented myself as a person who
could feel secure in a loving partnership.

Another factor that stops us from moving forward is the payoff we are
getting for staying right where we are. Prosperity teacher Reverend Edwene
Gaines says: "Indebtedness is a socially acceptable way to punish
ourselves." Indebtedness, then, is a burden I have placed upon myself. It
fulfills a need to punish myself for past sins. Indebtedness is not the
only burden we can assign ourselves. For some of us it is extra weight on
our bodies, having to take care of others, too much work to do, or too many
tasks we don't enjoy doing.

The opposite of feeling burdened is to be free. If I want to reinvent
myself as a free person -- free of debt, free of extra weight, free of
obligation, or free of certain work--I need to stop punishing myself. I
need to forgive myself. Guilt is my payoff. I can tell myself that I am
still okay even if I sinned, because I am punishing myself. Can I be okay
if I don't punish myself? Can I face whatever sins I think I have
committed and accept myself? Am I willing to hand over this burden to
Spirit? Suffering is an option. The burden I have carried is my story, and
I have decided that it is a story that no longer interests me. It's like a
movie I have seen too many times.

As I write this article I find myself in the midst, once again, of
reinventing myself. Once we are committed, things start to happen. When I
commit to cocreating a new vision for myself, all of those parts of me that
need healing show up. In other words, sometimes things get worse before
they get better. I've got a handle on it this time. All of the things that
are happening to me right now are good.

I'm experiencing some pain in my body, and I feel a great sense of joy. It
is not clear to me how some financial needs will be met, yet, today I
enthusiastically and joyously tithed to a wonderful source of spiritual
food for me. I have big dreams for my speaking and writing, but I don't
know how it is going to happen. It is all good. I am where I want to be.
This is not being positive on the surface while suffering underneath. I'm
just not too attached to what is happening. The physical aspects are not
making me feel any particular way. I'm choosing to feel great. It is what
I want.

Yes, being free of pain would feel great. Yes, knowing exactly how much
money and when it comes would be nice. Yes, seeing more evidence of my big
dreams would be wonderful. Reinventing yourself is not about physical
manifestation. It is about how you feel. So, I'm already there. I feel
joyous. I feel free. I feel prosperous and successful. I'm not worried
about the manifestation, because it is coming. The Universe always delivers.

If it is time to reinvent yourself, don't get too carried away with your to
do list. Start making up your "to feel" list. Clarify your "Who do I want
to be?" list. The person you want to be is already within you. The feelings
you want to feel are already in you. You are fully equipped for success,
with the resources of Spirit ready to assist. You are an extraordinary
being, and your good is coming to you in extraordinary ways.

------------------------ William Frank Diedrich is a speaker, executive coach and the author of
three books, including The Road Home: The Journey Beyond the Spiritual
Quick Fix, 30 Days to Prosperity, and Beyond Blaming. To learn more about
his books, services, and free gifts go to

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