AIDS Volunteers of Northern Kentucky (AVNK)


AIDS Volunteers of Northern Kentucky seek to understand and address the emotional, educational, social, spiritual and physical needs of the people in Northern Kentucky and surrounding communities who are living with HIV/AIDS, and the needs of their families, partners, friends and caregivers.  We strive to mobilize the general community about HIV/AIDS related issues for purposes of education, prevention and advocacy.


AIDS Volunteers of Northern Kentucky was founded in 1990 by a group of civic minded individuals who were concerned about the lack of support in Northern Kentucky for people living with HIV/AIDS, their friends, partners and families.

Governing Council

The Governing Council is elected by the AVNK Membership to administer and direct the activities of AVNK. If you would like to become a member of AVNK, please fill out a Membership Application and return it with $10.00 to: AVNK, P. O. Box 175743, Covington, KY 41017-5743.


PO Box 175743

Covington, KY 41017-5743

To contact us:

Phone: 513-483-5757
