My name is Fernando E. Huerta (born 1955) , diagnosed in December 1978 with Chronic/Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. ( SUMMARY OF CLINICAL HISTORY )
Symphtoms started back in 1974 . I have lost some battles these years and I have won battles,but I am always looking forward to win the war.Since January 1996 I did some diet changes (see annex M in my Clinicl History ),as well I started taking some supplements to avoid new strikes,protect the blood brain barrier and to bust my inmune system.Mainly I followed suggestions by Dave Q.
I was placed on june 1996 on Baclofen 5 to 10 mg three times a day for the muscle spasms, cramping and stifness.I switched to Zanaflax on July 1997 6 mg. a day ,which does not make yourself weaker as Baclofen does.These meds did take a small edge off the symptom, but nothing more,these are the only medicines I have taken. From 1975 on, I did not experience a single day where I did not have at least a symptom. An average day for this MS consisted of…
1) Toe fanning/cramping 2) Severe burning pins and needles in feet 3) Very unsteady, wobbly gait 4) Fatigue 5) Tingling/numbness 6) Muscular weakness/loss of muscular strength.
I am married,since 1982 to Marcela,who is a wonderful wife and supported me all the time,we have two beautiful intelligent daughters :Karina (1986) and Marifer (1989) ,who by the way have also given me their support and have been very helpful .
We (me and my wife Marcela) returned last sunday ( 9/13/98 )from Theratec,I made progress there by walking much better and more straight,before I was moving my left leg with my hips around and not really walking,now I am walking short distances the right way.Three months later I felt a little less energy than in Monterrey,because I am not getting the treatments ,but I am doing O.K..Six months later I can stand more time than after coming back from Theratec,I am working on my therapy to try walk better and rehabilitate my muscles.
Since April 1999 I am using electromagnetic means to try to destroy the bacteria.
Since September 2000 I start staying /walking in cold water to help remyelinization .
Since November 2000 I am using magnets and since
January 2001 neobdymium magnet.The purpose is
to help remyelinization .
Somewhere at this time I am no longer concerned about the MS
which I consider under control, but my target is more on how can I recover or
find the way to remyelize my damaged nerves.
On July 2004 Dr. Bruno Estañol (neurologist) insists on a diagnose of Optic Neuromielitis or DEVIC'S Sindrome
2007 symptoms are 1) Very unsteady, wobbly gait 2) Fatigue 3) Muscular weakness/loss of muscular strength.