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'You're In Control' Avoidant Paruresis Web Site

This site  is  provided for the benefit of people who find it difficult or impossible to void while in public facilities, or when under stress such as time pressure, or when being observed, or when others are near by, or while on moving platforms such as airplanes, boats or trains.


This site is meant to be a clearinghouse of information related to Avoidant Paruresis. Some of the content is original, most is not. Where possible, credit is given to the original authors, and I request permission to use others content before placing it in this site.

If you have any questions regarding this site, or need more specific information on Paruresis, please email me at

If you have found paruresis mentioned in any sites that are not listed somewhere in here, please send me feed back.

Thanks for stopping by, and together we will find some relief from this disorder.


I am searching for a women with AP to contribute, and author the Women with AP section of this site. Please contact me if you are interested.

Quick Update: (I'm Sorry it has been so long since I updated this site)


Paxil week 8

Hi all,

Well its been an interesting 8 weeks. By week four I would have to say that its done nothing for my depression (20mg day). Although I have seen sort of a benificial effect. I dont tend to withdrawl and isolate myself as fast. The only side effects by week four was the difficulty to achieve an orgasm with my girlfriend.

Since then my dosage was raised to 40mg day. My AP has not been changed one bit. But I just noticed this past weekend, that although I am aware of AP, I no longer have the obsessive thoughts of impending doom.

My side effects changed slightly. I cannot achieve an orgasm now, and I have a new one. Do you know that jump you get when you fall asleep? I have those all night, but not as strong and normal. Not fun. So at week 7, with my doctors approval, I dropped back to 20mg day. This has helped alot, although I still jump, its very minor, and mostly non offensive.

I had a really good weekend this week. I went down to Busch Garderns, Wiliamsburg. I was quite shocked about 2 hours into my trip down. I realized that for the first time, I went on a trip, and was not concerned at all about my AP :). It was nice not to have that worry in the back of my head.

I used the facilities when I had to, and had slow success. Sometimes I could go, sometimes not. But it was no big deal. I just tried somewhere else. Very nice not to worry! I knew that I could go somewhere. And I did.

I slipped a little last weekend, and became extemely isolated. I dont know what brought this on. Its been a long time since I have done something like that. I missed my appointment with my therapist, which I really look forward to. And I was late the week before. That weekend I slept most of Saturday (18 hours), and Sunday (15 maybe?). It was kind of strange.

I see my shrink on wednesday, So I will probobly add or start a new medication this week. And I am going to try very hard to make my Thursday appointment with my T.

Thats all..Take Care,

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