

Courses: New York City

The courses I offer in New York City are:

Psychic Self Defense
Methods for clearing and protecting oneself and one's space, cleansing baths, evil eye defense and more. Two levels.

Metaphysical Clearing and Defense Methods for the Home & Workspace
Methods from a number of traditions, used for clearing and protection against unwanted energies for the home and workspace.

For more information on schedules or how to schedule a course in your area, please email manifestnow@yahoo.com

For information on other courses offered by Margaret Gamez

Books by Margaret Gamez:

Metaphysical Self Defense
Psychic Protection and Defense of the Home & Workspace
How to Self-Publish Your Own Book
How to Write a Book About Anything in Six Months or Less

For ordering and pricing information please email: manifestnow@yahoo.com


Margaret Gamez, M.S.H., MCH, CRM, CSMC, is a certified traditional Usui, Karuna, Jinlap Maitri, and Seichim Reiki Master/Teacher, Blue Star Celestial energy Master/Teacher, Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Certified Stress Management Consultant. An ordained Minister of Spiritual Healing, she is also a certified NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Healing, and Pranic Healing practitioner. The author of books and tapes on past life therapy, psychic self-defense, personal development, energy healing, and Reiki, Margaret has been teaching and leading natural healing and personal development seminars for over 20 years.



For more info about courses or products, please email:


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