"Knowledge Is Our Power"

West Virginia Chapter of Polio Survivors exists to provide support and current information to polio survivors who are
 experiencing the late effects of polio
(Post Polio Syndrome) while promoting awareness of this disease.

Chapter meetings are held the second Saturday of each month
 (March-December) at Nancy's Restaurant
1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
 Exit 34 of I-64, Hurricane, WV

Email address: wvpostpolio@yahoo.com

History of Polio

From the PBS film, A PARALYZING FEAR, this site provides insight into where we have been, where we are now and where we want to be in the battle against polio.

Late Effects of Polio - PPS

For many polio survivors, the second struggle against the effects of polio is beginning.  Many survivors do not understand what is happening to them.

This site addresses questions and sheds light on what is happening to survivors who find themselves experiencing  symptoms including new
weakness, pain, breathing difficulties, fatigue, sleeping disorders, and swallowing difficulties.

Living With Post Polio Syndrome

Living with Post Polio Syndrome and being the best you can be, often means educating yourself, your family, your doctor, and anyone else who cares about you or provides care for you about the late effects of polio.

This site provides helpful tips on nutrition, bracing, pain/fatigue management, coping styles, as well as links to various services provided by polio survivors.


This site contains listings that reference valuable information on Social Security, traveling, and training, along with a
directory of polio survivors sharing thoughts and ideas on
a variety of subjects relating to this disease.

General Information About Post Polio Syndrome

Among the topics covered on this site are the location of post polio centers, information for physicians on PPS, an on-line database providing access to PPS related material, and an overview of PPS.

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This site was last updated by Gayla Doughty

Copyright 1998
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