Our healing team:-







One may heal with goodness,
One may heal with justice,
One may heal with herbs,
One may heal with the Wise Word.
Amongst all the remedies,
This one is the healing one
That heals with the Wise Word.
This one it is that will best drive away sickness
From the bodies of the faithful,
For Wisdom is the best healing of all remedies.
From The Angel of Wisdom -
Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely

    Names for Absent Healing:-

    Helen (Cambridgeshire) | Margaret | Susan (W/Lothian) | Thompson | Anne | Mary Crilly (W/Lothian)| Maureen Nicol| Georgie | Ronnie Gould (H'pool)| Fay & Bob (Spain) | Helen Watt | Norma (W/Lothian)| Norma's Mother Jane | Nancy (Spain) | Ruby (Edinburgh)| Shona (Edinburgh)| Carol (Spain)| Mike (Spain)| Dave (Fife)| Zo�a (Russia)| Annie (Spain)| Carol Houser (U.S.A) | Del Houser (U.S.A.) | Sandra Wilson | Clive (Sussex) | Vin's Wife (London) | Linda R (m.e) | Linda M. | Zak | Mary (Scarbrough)* | Graham T.(Leeds) | Barry Macintosh | Brian | Caron Young | Rosemary | Arthur Keith | Mary (Glasgow) | Irene Scales | Robert (Edinbrough) |

April 2009 Special healing required:-

Swanny (Project Avalon Member)| Des | Morag | Gordon | Ian (Spain)| Stacie (Spain)| Sophie (Spain)| Aunt Nan (Edinburgh)| Louise | *Molly* | *Aunt Nan* | *Graham (H)* | *Sadie Blaikley* | *Scott Macintosh* | *Betty* |

Wyn (H) | Sue (H) | Anne (H) | Liz (H) | Charles (H) | Ian (H) | Linda (H) | Linda (WH) | Sandra (Fife) | Donna (Fife) | Lyn's Daughter (Fife) | Agnes | Chris Edge | Carmen | Sharon M. (H)

NEW Names for Healing :-

GAIL (car crash Leg & Hand Injuries)
Visualize a laser-like ray of Violet Light speckled with Gold energy flowing through you and out to your local geographical area. Breathe and be with this for a few moments until it is firmly anchored. Know that this ray and energy is transmuting all into Love and bringing Peace everywhere! Then see it going to the centre of the Earth. Allow this energy to expand and see it going wherever you feel it needs to go most. Now send this same energy to any place in your body that needs healing and know that all your brothers and sisters linked to you in the Pods are helping you heal. Thank you. See Angels blessing the planet

You can submit names for our 'absent healing list'
Please send them to E-MAIL

Your Age:
While you are exercising you
should count between:
and beats in sec.
And it should not exceed beats.
Your target heart rate isn't one rate but a range of rates (beats per minute, or bpm), expressed as percentages of your maximum heart rate, that are safe for you to reach during exercise. For most healthy people, Heart Association recommends an exercise target heart rate ranging from 50% to 75% of your maximum heart rate, which is normally calculated as the number 220 minus your age.
Now that you know your target heart rate, check your bpm (take your pulse) regularly as you exercise. An easy way to do this is to count your heartbeats (pulse) for 10 seconds using your watch, and then multiply this number by 6 to get your bpm. You can feel your heartbeats in several ways, such as by placing your fingers lightly but firmly over the inside of your wrist or on your neck just below the angle of your jaw. (Be careful not to put too much pressure on the neck; this can slow the heart down and can be dangerous in people with blockages of blood vessels in the neck.) You can also place your palm over your heart and count the number of beats that you feel.
Caution: If you have any questions or concerns about your exercise regimen, including your target heart rate, consult your doctor.