Welcome to Lighthouse Information Technology Engineering (L.I.T.E) Talent Employement Agency Management System (TEAMS) Homepage...

Cost Benefits Analysis    Architecture Outline        Lighthouse_ite@Yahoo.com 

Login.JPG (70718 bytes) Access is controlled via user logins and passwords for data security...  
Main.JPG (73993 bytes)

The Administrator form enables a designated administrator to create and edit users and user passwords, set the database backup time or run manual backups with a minimum fuss....

Workers.JPG (242756 bytes) Workers stores detailed information about recruits...
RefCheck.JPG (222147 bytes) The Worker Referance form is a quick, easy and complete checklist of reference related questions; utilizing lists and check boxes...
TypingAssessment.JPG (130328 bytes) The Typing Assessment Form tests recruits on typing speed and accuracy, while the time of test and assessment text can be easily changed to your own preferances...
Employers.JPG (193623 bytes) The Employers form stores client contact details, company profile, employer benefits as well as detailed vacancy requirements as well as promotion tracking...
SearchRecruits.JPG (102078 bytes) The Recruit Search Form filters recruits by various requirements. Qualifying recruits can then be easily sorted by eany column displayed in the preview window.
Positions.JPG (105987 bytes) The Positions Form tracks current assignements...
CV.JPG (70962 bytes) Recruit CVs are generated at a click of a button, while the CV template can be easily customized to suite your specific business requirements. 
Settings.JPG (138468 bytes) Window Image settings enables you to change backgrounds for individual windows...

Teams Web Application Forms

WebLogin.JPG (116916 bytes) WebIndex.JPG (94310 bytes)
WebRegister.JPG (191846 bytes) WebCVUpload.JPG (198684 bytes)
WebEmployers.JPG (210765 bytes) WebVacancies.JPG (214431 bytes)
WebSearchRecruits.JPG (158347 bytes) WebSearchRecuits.JPG (159062 bytes)