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Nuclear Energy Project
 Directions:  You have been given a topic that is involved with nuclear energy.  Use this website and it's links to research your topic and give at least a 3 minute presentation to the class.  You need to have something written as well.  This should be a very detailed outline or the full dialogue of the presentation.
  Both partners are responsible for completing the project on time as well as for the presentation of the project.  A portion of the Grade for the project will be how well you work together and how well you stay on task in the computer lab.  Both partners will receive the same grade, so be a good partner and do your share of the work.
If you go to any other pages on the internet than the ones I have given you links to on my website, you will receive a 0 for this project along with other consequences. If you can't find information, ask before you search.


Click on your topic to get to the links you will need to get your information.  If you are having difficulty finding information on people, go to the Manhattan Project Page for more sources. 

Szilard and Fermi
Chadwick and Thompson
Groves and Oppenheimer
Bohr and Rutherford
The Curies and Becquerel
Atomic Timeline
The Manhattan Project and Trinity
Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy
Military Uses of Nuclear Energy
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission
India & Pakistan Nuclear Testing
Three Mile Island
