
For the original click on headline:

I'm Dreaming of a White National Cheese Day:
The Selling of the American Calendar


National Hobby Month
Prune Breakfast Month
National Soup Month
Diet Month
National Book Blitz Month
National Eye Health Care
National Hot Tea Month
National Volunteer Blood Donor Month
National Bowling Week
National Pizza Week
Mozart Week

4 - Trivia Day
7 - Panama Canal Day
16 - National Nothing Day
20 - Cheese Day
20 - Clear Off Your Desk Day
20 - Presidential Inauguration Day
21 - National Hugging Day
23 - National Handwriting Day, National Pie Day
25 - School Nurse Day
29 - Common Sense Day


National Dental Month
Chocolate Lover's Month
National Cherry Month
American Heart Month
Canned Food Month
American History Month
Creative Romance Month
Human Relations Month
National Boost Your Self-Esteem Month
National Snack Food Month
National Pencil Week
International Friendship Week
Boy Scout Week
National Youth Fitness Week
National Crime Prevention Week

1 - National Freedom Day
5 - National Weatherman's Day
11 - National Inventor's Day


National Nutrition Month
National Peanut Month
Music in Our Schools Month
Youth Art Month
American Red Cross Month
Foot Health Month
Mental Retardation Month
National Women's History Month
National Feminine Improvement Month
National Physical Education Week
Woman's History Week
Foreign Language Week
Save Your Vision Week
Procrastination Week
Girl Scout Week
Daffodil Week, American Cancer Society
National Wildlife Week
National Poison Prevention Week
Mathematical Education Week
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week
Newspaper in Education Week
National Bubble Gum Week

8 - International Women's Day
17 - St. Patrick's Day
20 - Rotten Sneaker Day
21 - National Energy Education Day
21 - National Agriculture Day
22 - National Goof-Off Day
23 - Liberty Day, World Meteorological Day
26 - Global Understanding Day
29 - Vietnam Veteran's Day


Pets are Wonderful Month
Community Service Month
American Cancer Society Month
National Garden Month
Thai Heritage Month
Stress Awareness Month
National Soyfoods Month
National STDs Education and Awareness Month
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
National Science and Technology Week
National Laugh Week
National Library Week
National Coin Week
Bike Safety Week

2 - International Children's Book Day
7 - World Health Day, Metric Day
19 - Astronomy Day
20 - Food Day
22 - Earth Day
25 - Arbor Day


American Lung Association Clean Air Campaign Better Hearing and Speech Month
Mental Health Month
Allergy/Asthma Awareness Month
National Good Car Keeping Month
National Strawberry Month
Foot Health Month
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
National High Blood Pressure Month
Arthritis Month
Better Sleep Month
Correct Posture Month
Older Americans Month
National Barbecue Month
National Bike Month
National Mine Month
Music Appreciation Week
International Pickle Week
National Family Week
Teacher Appreciation Week
National Photo Week
Be Kind to Animals Week
National Transportation Week
All-American Buckle-Up Week

1 - May Day, Law Day
3 - Holocaust Remembrance Day
3 - International Tuba Day
8 - International Red Cross Day
12 - Limerick Day (Edward Lear's birthday)
13 - Astronomy Day, Native American Day
16 - Biographers' Day
18 - International Museum Day
21 - Armed Forces Day
25 - National Missing Children Day


Diary Month
National Flag Month
National Little League Baseball Week
Tennis Week
Family Day

5 - World Environment Day
6 - Doughnut Day
7 - Daniel Boone Day, Freedom of Press Day


National Flag Week
Freedom Week
Special Recreation Week
Captive Nations Week
Space Week

3 - Stay Out of the Sun Day
11 - Cheer up the Lonely Day, World Population Day
12 - Video Games Day
17 - National Ice Cream Day
20 - Moon Day
24 - Pioneer Day
28 - Singing Telegram Day


National Smile Week
National Clown Week
Aviation Week
Nisei Week
Be Kind to Humankind Week

1 - Friendship Day
3 - National Mustard Day
4 - Coast Guard Day
6 - Crop Day
7 - Peace Day, American Family Day
10 - Middle Children's Day
11 - Daughters' Day
12 - Indian Day
13 - International Left-Handers Day
14 - Liberty Tree Day
15 - National Relaxation Day
16 - Joke Day
18 - Bad Poetry Day
19 - National Aviation Day
25 - Kiss and Make Up Day
26 - Women's Equality Day
26 - Susan B. Anthony Day
28 - Dream Day


Better Breakfast Month
Emergency Care Month
National Sight Saving Month
National Piano Month
Self-Improvement Month
Women of Achievement Month
National Hispanic Month

National Courtesy Month
National School Bus Safety Week
American Newspaper Week
National Courtesy Week
1st Sunday - National Grandparent's Day
8 - International Literacy Day
10 - Popcorn day
16 - World Peace Day
17 - Citizenship Day
20 - International Day of Peace
21 - World Gratitude Day
24 - Good Neighbor Day
26 - Native American Day
27 - Ancestor Appreciation Day


Country Music Month
Family History Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
National AIDS Awareness Month
National Book Fair Month
National Car Care Month
National Cosmetology Month
National Depression Education and Awareness Month
National Dessert Month
National Seafood Month
Polish American Heritage Month
Vegetarian Awareness Month
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Month
Gourmet Adventures Month
Popcorn Poppin' Month
Pasta Month
Pretzel Month
Pizza Month
Computer Learning Month
National Apple Month
National Stamp Collecting Month
National Footwear Week
National 4-H Week
National Possum Week
National Fire Prevention Week
National School Lunch Week
Clean Air Week
Energy Awareness Week
National Social Studies Week

3 - Child Health Day
4 - World Day for Animals
6 - Universal Children's Day
6 - German/American Day
9 - Leif Erikson Day
11 - International Newspaper Carrier's Day
15 - National Poetry Day, National Grouch Day
16 - National Bosses Day
16 - Dictionary Day (Daniel Webster's birthday)
21 - World Food Day
24 - United Nations Day
25 - National Denim Day
31 - Halloween, National Magic Day, UNICEF Day


Aviation Month
Good Nutrition Month
National Epilepsy Month
Latin American Month
Hunger Awareness Month
National Diabetes Awareness Month
National Red Ribbon Month (anti-drunkdriving)
National Stamp Collecting Month
American Education Week
National Children's Book Week
National Family Week
National Cat Week
National Geography Week

6 - Basketball Day
21 - World Hello Day


Universal Human Rights Month

1- World AIDS Day
10 - Human Rights Day, Nobel Peace Prize awarded
12 - Poinsettia Day
15 - Bill of Rights Day
17 - Aviation Day (Wright Brothers' first flight)
22 - International Arbor Day
