
Table 25: (5 tables) (12 columns - 5 rows) (Border 2)
(embedded transparent and color tabs)

Dow Jones Industrial Index (highs and lows)
194.49 200.91 236.63 277.51 293.50 295.06 407.17 490.75 524.37 523.11 587.44 683.90

164.07 161.62 193.94 234.93 254.70 254.36 278.91 385.65 458.21 416.15 434.04 571.73
1948194919501951 1952195319541955 1956195719581959

Dow Jones Industrial Index (highs and lows)
688.21 741.30 734.38 773.07 897.00 976.61 1001.11 951.57 994.65 974.92 948.23 958.12

564.23 606.09 524.55 643.57 760.34 832.74 735.74 776.16 817.61 764.45 627.46 790.67
1960196119621963 1964196519661967 1968196919701971

Dow Jones Industrial Index (highs and lows)
1042.44 1067.20 904.02 888.85 1026.26 1007.81 917.27 904.86 1005.20 1030.98 1078.46 1296.48

882.75 783.56 570.01 619.13 848.63 792.79 736.75 792.24 729.95 807.46 769.98 1013.43
1972197319741975 1976197719781979 1980198119821983

Dow Jones Industrial Index (highs and lows)
1298.57 1570.87 1971.74 2746.65 2195.06 2809.08 3024.26 3204.61 3435.24 3818.92 4002.84 5266.69

1078.95 1178.67 1491.74 1616.21 1845.99 2127.14 2344.09 2447.03 3087.41 3219.25 3520.80 3794.40
1984198519861987 1988198919901991 1992199319941995

Dow Jones Industrial Index (highs and lows)
6623.96 8340.14 9380.20 11658.70 11908.50

5000.07 6315.84 7400.30 8994.30 9571.40
1996199719981999 2000200120022003 2004200520062007

The red bars span the low to high interval for the index. Since the only vertical alignment options are top, middle, and bottom, the positioning was accomplished by stacking a red bar on top of a transparent bar the height of the low value.

The following figures from Yahoo Finance (Historical Quotes), have been used for construction of the five tables. The figures for 1914 to 1947 show insignificant variations and have therefore not been "tabled".

AVERAGE, 1914 - 1997
1914 56.76 53.17 54.58
1915 99.21 54.22 99.15
1916 110.15 84.96 95
1917 99.18 65.95 74.38
1918 89.07 73.38 82.2
1919 119.62 79.15 107.23
1920 109.88 66.75 71.95
1921 81.5 63.9 81.1
1922 103.43 78.59 98.73
1923 105.38 85.76 95.52
1924 120.51 88.33 120.51
1925 159.39 115 156.66
1926 166.64 135.2 157.2
1927 202.4 152.73 202.4
1928 301.6 191.33 300
1929 386.1 195.4 248.5
1930 297.3 154.5 164.6
1931 197 71.8 77.9
1932 89.9 40.56 59.93
1933 110.53 49.68 99.9
1934 111.93 84.58 104.04
1935 149.42 95.95 144.13
1936 186.39 141.53 179.9
1937 195.59 112.54 120.85
1938 158.9 97.46 154.76
1939 157.77 120.04 150.24
1940 153.29 110.41 131.13
1941 134.27 105.52 110.96
1942 120.19 92.69 119.4
1943 146.41 118.84 135.89
1944 153 134.1 152.32
1945 196.59 150.53 192.91
1946 213.36 160.49 177.2
1947 187.66 161.38 181.16
1948 194.49 164.07 177.3
1949 200.91 160.62 200.13
1950 236.63 193.94 235.41
1951 277.51 234.93 269.23
1952 293.5 254.7 291.9
1953 295.06 254.36 280.9
1954 407.17 278.91 404.39
1955 490.75 385.65 488.4
1956 524.37 458.21 499.47
1957 523.11 416.15 435.69
1958 587.44 434.04 583.65
1959 683.9 571.73 679.36
1960 688.21 564.23 615.89
1961 741.3 606.09 731.14
1962 734.38 524.55 652.1
1963 773.07 643.57 762.95
1964 897 760.34 874.13
1965 976.61 832.74 969.26
1966 1001.11 735.74 785.69
1967 951.57 776.16 905.11
1968 994.65 817.61 943.75
1969 974.92 764.45 800.36
1970 848.23 627.46 838.92
1971 958.12 790.67 890.2
1972 1042.44 882.75 1020.02
1973 1067.2 783.56 850.86
1974 904.02 570.01 616.24
1975 888.85 619.13 852.41
1976 1026.26 848.63 1004.65
1977 1007.81 792.79 831.17
1978 917.27 736.75 805.01
1979 904.86 792.24 838.74
1980 1005.2 729.95 963.99
1981 1030.98 807.46 875
1982 1078.46 769.98 1046.54
1983 1296.48 1013.43 1258.64
1984 1298.57 1078.95 1211.57
1985 1570.87 1178.67 1546.47
1986 1971.74 1491.74 1895.95
1987 2746.65 1616.21 1938.83
1988 2195.06 1845.99 2168.57
1989 2809.08 2127.14 2753.2
1990 3024.26 2344.09 2633.66
1991 3204.61 2447.03 3168.83
1992 3435.24 3087.41 3301.11
1993 3818.92 3219.25 3754.09
1994 4002.84 3520.8 3834.44
1995 5266.69 3794.4 5117.12
19966623.96 5000.076448.27

This data obtained from Yahoo Finance

For further information on Dow Jones Industrial Index click here
