Attention: Accountants, Realtors, Brokers & Small Business Owners wanting more results, more focus and more profits from their businesses.

"Are You Ready to Make This Your Best Year Ever?"

"Do You Feel Like You Know What You SHOULD Be Doing, But All These Other Details Are Dragging You Down?"

Jen Blackert
The Marketing Coach

(60 sec. audio)

EVEN on a shoe-string budget.

Attraction Marketing

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From: Jen Blackert, Austin, TX

Dear Professional,

Have you been in business for a few years and feel you're still struggling to build your business? Are you ready to break down the barriers and achieve the 6 or 7-figure income they desire?

Or maybe you are a new entrepreneur with BIG dreams and high hopes, but you’re unsure how to get started, and you feel you are STUCK?

I’ve been there. And it’s frustrating, overwhelming and just plain aggravating!

Some days, the frustration starts with your morning coffee and doesn't stop until you try to quiet your mind and go to bed -- and you still can't sleep! And worse yet, you STILL aren't making the money you want!


I know you are great at what you do, but probably one of these three things is happening.

1. You don't know how to build an audience and market your business.

2. You understand the Law Of Attraction, but can't apply the principles to your busines

3. You are just completely STUCK and don't know what to do next.


Sound Familiar?

It's OK. You're not alone. Today is your lucky day! I have the solution for you.

Chris Douglas
Quest Leadership Consulting

"I can attract perfect new clients and create the fulfilling level of success I have been wanting for years."

"I found Jen's information to be highly useful and the encouragement invaluable. I have a new sense of possibility and confidence that I can attract perfect new clients and create the fulfilling level of success I have been wanting for years."

But first,

Let me be honest with you.  I haven't always known how to market my business. And I definitely haven't always known how to have vision as a guide to get me to where I wanted to go.

I've struggled to market three previous businesses before leaving the corporate world. In fact, I just gave up. I quit trying to force those businesses to be successful and I started again.

I started my first coaching practice because I wanted the freedom from the corporate grind. I languished for 13 years doing what other people wanted. So why not start my own company doing what I wanted to do, right?


Within 8 months, I was under so much stress and overwhelm I almost walked back in the doors of corporate America.

You see, I now had too many clients. You would think it was a dream come true, but it was horrible. I was coaching each person with information that I told someone else. There I was, repeating every step over and over, customer by customer AND I DON'T LIKE REPETITIVE WORK. Gee, if I did I would be a file clerk!

Worse yet, I had transformed into this grumpy, overwhelmed and stressed out crazy woman.

The final straw was the day I emailed 6000+ ezine subscribes and told them I quit. I was overwhelmed and I had no idea what I wanted or what to do next.

Argh. I still remember that horrible going-crazy feeling.

Turns out, it was the best thing that could have happened to me.

TODAY. I have a successful business teaching entrepreneurs and small business owners how to attract opportunities into their businesses so they can increase profits and live the lives of their dreams -- just as I did with the Law Of Attraction and practical marketing methodology.

I leap out of bed every morning eager to start my day. My business attracts EXACTLY the type of clients, money and opportunities I want.

Does this sound like something you want? Well..

I Can't Wait to Share With You How to Duplicate My Business Success!

But first, let me share with you why I think entrepreneurs struggle with marketing, overwhelm and getting stuck making a so-so income.

I think there are 3 big reasons:


We get excited and find there are too many ideas to implement. But we try to do it all anyway instead of focusing on our biggest return on investment.


We get overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done, so we start a dozen things without implementing anything.

3. We lose sight of our vision and get wrapped up in day-to-day stuff and we just react without additional consideration.

Did you answer, "Yes"?

Here's the thing. We are not taught how to be an entrepreneur. We are not taught how to manage accounts, market and run the business. So what do you do? You need to be taught how to be an entrepreneur and small business owner.

If you want to stop the struggle and start building your business on solid ground, then LISTEN UP.

There is a secret formula for personal and professional success. It's golden and I'm about to let you in on this secret. Oh, and did I mention it's simple.

Are you ready?...


The Laws Of Attraction Marketing Is A Proven System to Get What You Want From Your Business

Here's the secret formula:

Direct-Response Marketing + Passionate Visions + Inspired Actions



That's it!


STOP!!! Before you read further, I want you to stop and ask yourself those two questions right now.

Go on. Take a moment and ask yourself, "What do you want?"

Am I consciously allowing inspired actions to unfold to get it?


Revealed: The Top SECRETS to Getting What You Want With 10 SIMPLE Laws

Introducing The Laws Of Attraction Marketing System, a proven, step-by-step coach yourself to success guidebook.

Secure Check Out


If you answered "yes" to at least 2 questions of the above questions, then you can definitely benefit from The Laws Of Attraction Marketing System and entrepreneur coaching with me.


Tracy Jones

listen: short audio [2 min.]

Jen took me from a broke, struggling entrepreneur to an up-and-coming big-bucks player IN TWO WEEKS!

"Jen Blackert has completely turned my business around. When I say "turned it around" I mean that she took me from struggling, having not made a cent on my business in a year and a half to finally making money -- and through a strategy that may become exponential. Jen took me from a broke, struggling entrepreneur to an up-and-coming big-bucks player IN TWO WEEKS!

This girl is magical. If you haven't hired Jen Blackert as your coach yet, KICK YOURSELF AND GET IN WITH HER NOW BEFORE SHE RAISES HER PRICE TO WHAT SHE'S REALLY WORTH! Because then you may not be able to afford her. That is, if she's even still coaching at that point -- since soon I imagine she'll be producing multi-million dollar information products and won't have time to work with individuals like you and me. I am serious. Jen is the best thing that has happened to my business since I began learning about entrepreneurship six years ago.

She is the catalyst, spark, and an angel who has reached out her hand and brought me back from the chasm. She is absolutely unlike any "coach" or mentor I have ever heard about. She is results-driven and enjoys solving the marketing challenges that you and I face. That's what she's good at. Let her do your job and get your business turned around like she's done for me!"

The Laws Of Attraction Marketing
Cracks The Code And Breaks The Patterns


A step-by-step attraction marketing system that coaches you to success.

- You learn how to adopt the success strategies of the most accomplished entrepreneurs.

Tap into the fastest, easiest, way to get what you want.

- You create power-habits that allow you to accomplish more


A tool set for mastering mindset, focus and managing "mental gremlins"

- You clear out the “mental gremlins” that have hold you back

- You release the sabotaging behaviors and habits that hold you back

A method to teach you how to attract business (online or off line) without cold calling or serious advertising dollars wasted.

- You attract supportive, up-leveling, wealth-magnetizing personal and professional environments so you can stay on the fast-track

A system for how to write compelling messages for both the universe and your prospects.

- You learn 231 powerful words so people really hear what you are saying


Kathy Jurgens

Copy Writer

In 8 weeks, with her guidance and coaching, I have re-discovered my passion for editing and writing and have generated the enthusiasm to launch my own business.

"Jen Blackert reached into the fog that surrounded me when she learned I had been laid off from a 20-year marketing career. In 8 weeks, with her guidance and coaching, I have re-discovered my passion for editing and writing and have generated the enthusiasm to launch my own business."

Kathy Jurgens
Words Worth


This System Is The Same Coaching Process That Many Entrepreneurs Pay Me $1000s For!

Do you want to know more specifics?

marketing coach

The Laws Of Attraction Marketing
Table of Contents


Law #1: Trust The Law
- What Is The Law Of Attraction?
- A Historical Explanation On Subtle Energy
- An Academic Explanation On Energetic Attraction
- Understand The Mind
- Consciously Manifest
- Align Your Mind

Law #2: Clear & Increase Your Attractive Energy
- Take Action
- Get Organized
- Fix It or Recycle It
- Add Success Habits

Law #3: Unkink Your Vibe
- Visualize
- Message The Universe
- Believe To Achieve
- Chasing Butterfly Disorder (CBD)
- Make Conscious Decisions

Law #4: Be Consciously & Uniquely You - Are You “Brandable”?
- Create Your Personal Brand
- Optimize Success Factors
- Personal Brand Boundaries
- Define Your Brand

Law #5: Have Targeted Intentions
- Reach Your Perfect Audience
- Reach Your Perfect Client
- Build A Perfect Marketing Messages
- Launch Marketing Cycle

Law #6: Communicate Profoundly
- Listen Consciously
- Speak Consciously
- Write Like You Talk
- Make An Impression

Law #7: Use Compelling Messages

- Understand The Psychology Of Marketing
- Formulate Compelling Messages

Law #8: Choose Aligned Methods
- Discover Your Aligned Methods
- Create A Marketing Calendar In 4-Steps

Law #9: Send Out On The Universal Internet
- Know The 4 Must-Haves To A Successful Online Business

Law #10: Leverage & Automate Your Systems
- Check Your Mindset
- Create A Business Blueprint
- Take-Home Tricks
- Master Delegation
- Fire Yourself

Appendix A: 231 Powerful Words (words that sell)


small business

Teresa Woodsong

Dear Jen,

Your training enabled me to shift the way I look at marketing, and develop a tangible, step by step plan.

I finally have a clear idea of how I’m going to get where I’m going. I look forward to working with you in the future.

With gratitude,

Teresa Woodsong
The Comfort Lady
Austin, TX



Apply these laws -- even if you apply only 2 or 3 at 100% -- and soon you will see the results. Apply them all and BIG success is headed your way.

Case Study #1: An Eye Doctor Changes His Mind For BIG Bucks

Dr. Ryan, another client, needed some help breaking through the monthly 5-figure barrier. Our coaching started with his marketing program. I soon found that Dr. Ryan was sort-of sabotaging his success. He found himself overwhelmed and no time to meet marketing deadlines.

Was his overwhelm an excuse? You bet.  Sometimes he only had to make one phone call to instruct, "Yes, place the ad."

So, I worked with Dr. Ryan on strategies of get out of overwhelm and into building wealth and success.

The results?

Last month, Dr. Ryan made $102,000. The first time in his three-year practice that he broke 5-figures.


Case Study #2: How a 32-Year Old Career Coach Turned 5 Monthly Clients Into 22 Monthly Clients

All Susie wanted to do was get her name out on the Internet. She paid a LARGE amount of money to have a beautiful site with flash graphics on her site. 

After a year with little results, she called me.  We recreated a site that spoke to her perfect clients and put a marketing plan in place to deliver the "right" clients to her door.

The results?

For the first 6 months, Susie was booked solid with 22 clients.

Susie charges $150 a session so she went from making $750/month to $3300/month.

$3300 ... ah I guess that's not bad for a coach, eh? 

OK. I understand you have some questions

Q. But Will It Work For Me?

A.. In a word -- YES! I tested the system on myself first. You see, I had to do it. When I started my attraction marketing consulting firm, I was starting over again from scatch!

Q.  How quickly can I expect results?

A.  This depends on well you implement the laws and how much inspired action you take. Most clients see results within the first couple of months in the form of new opportunities, clients and money.

Q.  Can I guarantee myself that I will get more clients, in record time?

A.  Complete all of the assignments outlined in the Law Of Attraction Marketing System. Be conscious and focused for a solid 3 months.

Q.  Will I recover my investment?

A.  A resounding "Yes"! Ask yourself, "What is one new client worth to me?" Is one client enough?


Oh, yes. I know. You want bonuses

Here they are...

1 Free 30-Minute Business Breakthrough Session With Jen (Guaranteed to get your business growing)
(Value $97)

The classic book in downloadable format, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill
(Value $39)


Here's the deal

Instead of charging the cost of 1 of my breakthrough coaching sessions, or even the cost of my 5-week Magnetic Marketing Class, I'm making this downloadable (PDF) 'Laws Of Attraction Marketing System' to my readers and website visitors at the introductory price of $147 for a very limited time.

I know, I know. I'm not charging enough. But remember, this is subject to change at any time, and it WILL soon. This offer is only guaranteed for a limited time, so pick it up at this special price today, before it goes up.

That includes:

  • 123-page manual complete with hand-holding, step-by-step lessons.
  • 25 assignments

  • 12 worksheets, templates, magnetic messages

  • 231 powerful words

13 years of corporate experience condensed in an easy-to-read, hand-holding guidebook. A simple, no nosense, straight forward solution. No more guess work!

Of course, your satisfaction is completely and absolutely guaranteed.

That's my personal promise.

  I'm ready to take inspired action and attract what I need to generate more money and opportunities in my business.

  I know in addition to the Laws Of Attraction System, I'll get 2 FREE bonuses!

A free breakthrough session with Jen
(Value $97)

The classic book in downloadable format, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill
(Value $39)

I understand that The Laws Of Attraction Marketing System comes with a 6-month money back guarantee, and I can receive a full refund anytime if I am not completely satisfied.

Jen Blackert Law Of Attraction Coach

Jen Blackert
Small Business Marketing & Success Coach

P.S. This is your opportunity to get a FREE coaching session with Jen and purchase the book completely risk-free. That means - if you are not happy I will refund your money.

P.S.S. This price is available for a limited time only, so get it now!


For Immediate Assistance:
You are always welcome to contact Jen Blackert at 512-694-1603
or via email at:
jenblackert [-at-] gmail [-dot-] com