My resume
P.O. Box 8994
Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33310
Day Phone: 954-608-7494
Evening Phone: 954-608-7494

OBJECTIVE: A position as a senior web developer where my math background and acquired skills from past jobs will contribute to new and improved system development.


For the past 4 years I have been working as a senior web developer. I have been working predominantly in a Windows environment. I have been developing sites using ASP, JSP/Servlet, HTML, XML, XSLT, COM/COM+ (VB6), JavaScript, SQL-Server 7/2000, T-SQL (For XML Explicit), and DtSearch.

I have more than 5 years of experience using Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat, Illustrator, and PageMaker.


University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Bachelor degree in science
Major: Mathematics
Minor: Operational Research
Fall 1991 – spring 1995
  Diploma obtained April 28th, 1995


2002 – Present: Taylor & Francis Group (Formerly CRC Press), Boca Raton, FL.
Web Developer

  • Design, Implement and deploy Web solution starting from a requirement document (Web solution may be deployed on IIS server, Tomcat or Microweb for CDs).
    • POLYMERSnetBASE (PDF, XML and Database combined in one site). This site is capable of querying a database, a set of XML or PDF file and displays the result according to the user’s request.

      The following components and techniques have been used in this project: MSXML 4.0, SQL Server 2000, ASP/VBScript Class, Model-View-Controller (MVC java style but with ASP), COM, ADO, Html, CSS, JavaScript, and DtSearch 6.40. This site is available at:

    • MARC Record Transmitter System (MRTS). Development and maintenance of MARC Records is highly desirable in the publishing industry. It’s the best way to expose contents in libraries around the world. The system developed works as follow:

      • A DTS package is scheduled to Query the Library of Congress via Z39.50 protocol for new ISBN. Any retrieved record is stored in a Database in XML Format (according to MARC Slim XML schema).

      • A Page exposes the available records to subscribers sorted by applications. However, only subscribed applications are visible and record can be retrieved according to some predefined criteria (latest added, all or between a certain range of date).

      • When the form is submitted to the server, Tomcat ISAPI installed on top of IIS intercept the request and passes the control to Tomcat 5.5, which in turn passes control to a servlet that performs the request. The servlet opens a connection to the SQL Server 2000 database using a JDBC:ODBC bridge and retrieve the relevant records. Before returning the result to the user in a MARC21 standard format, the servlet add a link in each record that point back to the relevant application.

      The following components and techniques have been used in this project: SQL-Server 2000, DTS, Stored Procedures, UDF, JDBC:ODBC, Java 2, JavaBeans, JSP/Servlet, Tomcat 5.5, ISAPI, JavaScript, DHTML, XML, XSLT, SAX, VBZOOM, ASP, COM, and ADO. This site is available at:

    • Handbook of Biotransformation of Aromatic Compounds on CD-Rom. This Product consists of a set of XML and PDF file. It uses the Microweb as lightweight web server that loads into memory when the program on CD is launched. A CGI written in VB 6.0 acts as the server side scripts. It uses Microsoft script control, which makes it possible to write script in any language supported by this component for the site (VBScript has been chosen for this project).

      The following Components and techniques have been used in this project: VB 6.0, VBScript, Microsoft Script Control 1.0, CGI, JavaScript, ADO Stream, MSXML 4.0, XSLT, XML, Microweb (, DtSearch, and COM.

    • Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Web version). This site is the web version of CRC Press's flagship print handbook. It uses Java Applets to display interactive table that subscriber can print or export to an excel spreadsheet. DTSearch is used to search the chapter of the book stored in PDF files. Advanced search techniques are user to query the table stored in a SQL server 2000 database.

      The following components and techniques have been used in this project: SQL-Server 2000, UDF, Stored Procedure, XML, XSLT, MSXML 3.0, DTSearch, Java, Java Applet, ASP, COM, and ADO.

2000 - 2002: CRC Press, LLC, Boca Raton, FL.
Electronic Product Developer/Webmaster

  • Convert prepress document to e-Book format using Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Distiller. Create and enhance graphics for web using Adobe Photoshop, ASP and HTML pages. Deployment to IIS server. Create and test Companion CD.

    • Customer feedback. This system had been implemented so user can send feedback to the company. The user is presented a page where they can insert the comment/feedback and submit to the system. At this point a CDONT object is created. It sent the message to the appropriate employee in the company. But the script also logs a copy in the database for QA purposes.

      The following Components and techniques have been used in this project: SQL-Server 2000, CDONT, Stored Procedure, JavaScript, ASP, and COM. This page is available at:

    • Downloads and updates. Webmaster use to receive a request any time a change has to be made in that page. A web application has been created to provide a set of tools so the relevant department could update the page dynamically. A set of page has been created where the employee would pick a product (usually a book) from the system, add the download documents and post them to the web server. On the server side, the web application would load the files and update the relevant database.

      The download page has been set to query this database and display the available downloads on the user’s browser ( A similar product has also been developed after its success among employees:

      The following Software, components and techniques have been used in this project: SQL Server 2000, ASP/VBScript, and Html.

    • Auerbach Information Management Services (AIMS). This bi-monthly product consisted of 7 books that needed to be converted from FrameMaker to PDF. Each file has to point back to a table of Content. This required creating links and bookmark in each document. FileOpen ( was used to lock the file before creating the master CD. The following software and techniques have been used in this project: Adobe Acrobat Distiller, Adobe Acrobat, Compose plug-in, FileOpen, FrameMaker, and Photoshop.