Anima Still Gallery Archives

"KRI Dewa Ruci"
Sebenarnya gambar ini menggambarkan perjalanan negara kita di era Reformasi sekarang ini. Jadi ceritanya kapal tersebut berangkat, di tengah perjalanan, topan badai, kapal rusak, perbaikan, dan akhirnya sampai tujuan dengan selamat. Dan gambar ini saya ambilkan yang di tengah perjalanan.
Q-Art Design
"BDN back office",
Menara Indosat (Jakarta) 1998
Arantan Studio
"Tapir Biru",
study in character expression + facial animation animasi 25 detik untuk arantan studio demo tape, 1997
Arantan Studio
"Conference Room",
BMW Head Office, Sunter (Jakarta) 1997
Arantan Studio
Apartemen di Kebayoran 1997
Arantan Studio
"Take Off",
This image is Visualization of IPTN prototype aircraft. Data was taken from CATIA, and converted into 3DStudio Max 2.0 object. Fuselage and nose was build using Peter Watje Surface tools.
It takes 2 full-day to build and render as a week-end project. As noted, this image also has been chosen as Picture of The Week in 3D Studio Max Club, for 2 consecutive weeks.
Priyo Jatmiko
Hanging over fire.
Studio Komik Bajing Loncat Bandung
"Lotte Part1",
The Image above is a collection of screen shots taken from "Lotte Commercial", in episode "Robojin: Rescue of Princess Tenyo", 1996
For full detail including animation click here.
Daniel Harjanto
"Lotte Part2",
The Image above is a collection of screen shots taken from "Lotte Commercial", in episode "Robojin: Escape with three Flavour", 1996
For full detail including animation click here.
Daniel Harjanto
Character is based on one of the Indonesian Super Hero "Gundala". A famous comics super hero in 70's. He can move as fast as lightning, and if not mistaken he also known as "Putera Petir" which translated as "son of the lightning".
Royanto Adimulyo

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Last Update : 01/10/2000
Daniel Harjanto