Welcome to the Ruttledge History Page

This page has been published by Sean J. Ruttledge
Resident of Bromley , Kent. UK
The steel bonnet you see above was the headgear of my forefathers , These people were border reivers from "The Debatable Land " a lawless enclave of disputed territory on the English Scots border which for several generations witnessed some of the most violent anarchy ever seen in the history of the British Isles.
The name has been transcribed in several different variants which have evolved over the course of time , The main variants surviving today include Routledge, Rutledge, and Ruttledge The map below shows a closer view of the border region , You can clearly see the names of the reiving families on the areas they lived , note Routledges across the shaded area .
My Father , Anthony Joseph Ruttledge Grew up in Ballina County Mayo Ireland , Like the rest of the family he couldn't tell me why Ruttledge was not a Fitzrutledge Or O'Ruttledge , all they could tell me was that it was not an Irish name but had been in Ireland a long time, that started me on a quest , the results of which can be seen here

Near the very foot of this page you will find a little arrow BEWARE! if you click on it you will be taken into an intriguing article on the Ruttledges of County Mayo , This article was written by Thomas Ormsby Ruttledge in the 1980's I Acknowledge him and the Irish Genealogist 1988 as the Author and copyright holders , The article has been copied into html format literally as it appears in the book ( Warts , Typo's an all ) To preserve its integrity.

There are more than twenty pages and nearly 300 references to source material , Footnotes at the bottom of each page relate to these source reference numbers , To proceed through the entire article simply scroll to the foot of each page and keep clicking on the arrows

I wish to Thank Mr. Bill Ruttledge of St Louis Missouri for his kindness in providing me with this article .
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Click here to see my tour of Co. Mayo

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Click here to visit the Rutledge Family Association

The "Distinguished Rutledges" of South Carolina

Ann M Rutledge, Abe Lincolns sweetheart?

Hugh Ruttledge, Pioneer of Mount Everest

Rev William Woolls Rutledge of NSW Australia

Routledge Burn, The homeland of all R(o)ut(t)ledges

Take a present day tour of Reiver country

Part II of the reiver country tour, April 1999

Coats of Arms and Heraldry

View my online family tree

Visit Fabienne Ruttledge

Visit the latest Twig on the Ruttledge family tree

Begin The Ruttledges of County Mayo article below

Download the entire artice in Acrobat .pdf format

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