Well it's getting closer to election time in Laurel County once again.
The primary election is set for May 16, 2006.
As we all know the last three years have been very, how can I put this nicely,
boring, mundane, uneventful!!! Laurel County has lost more jobs than it has gained.
Tourism still consist of a night in a motel and a full tank of gas.
The youth are still begging for things to do. The list goes on and on.
The 2006 election is coming up on us fast and most of us feel that it's time
to get a new fiscal court and city council seated.
Laurel County needs some people in there that are prepared to do
whatever it takes to make Laurel County strong. I have been talking
to a lot of people lately that have had enough of the current administration.
This fiscal court and city council have done nothing in the past three years
except add to the courthouse. What did that do to make your families lives any better?
Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on property for the new health department when we already had property
at college park that is paid for!!! There is much more about the Kuhl administration that you will be hearing about in coming months.
This is the first installment on this site for information of the upcoming election.
I am going to start making my list of who this group of people think will do the
most to elevate Laurel County to a powerhouse in the state of Kentucky.
Keep coming back for more additions or changes.


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Projected winners after surveying 100 registered voters throughout the county as of 02-07-06.

County Judge-Executive Neil Johns
Sheriff Floyd Brummett
County Clerk Dean Johnson
Circuit Clerk Kevin Root
Jailer Jack Sizemore
Magistrate-District #1 Roy Crawford
Magistrate-District #2 Mike Boggs
Magistrate-District #3 Tim Sowders
Magistrate-District #4 Jeff Book
Magistrate-District #5 Billy B. Oakley
Magistrate-District #6 Robert McHargue

Mayor John Bruner
Council Member Judd Weaver
Council Member Susan L. Smith
Council Member Jim Hays
Council Member Michael Napier
Council Member Kenny Woods
Council Member Marjorie Bush VanDiver


what past administrations have and have not done!!!!!

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This page last modified on 2-07-06