Isabel's Home Page


You have reached the best home page in the whole wide world!!!! Well maybe it's not the best in the whole world, but I'm very happy that you paid a visit. What do you want to know:

Who am I?
Favorite TV Shows
Favorite Movies

Who am I?

My name is Isabel. I am an intellegent girl. I always listen to the teacher and always receive treats from her. I'm 8 years old and live in beautiful New York City.

My Favorite TV Shows


Pokemon stands for "pocket monsters". Ash Ketchim wants to be a Pokemon Master. His friends are Misty and Brock. Ash's first Pokemon was Pikachu. Right now Ash lost in the Pokemon League Compititions.


This show is about a girl named sabrina who has two aunts named Hilda and Zelda. Sabrirna is a teenage witch who uses her magic to make people happy.

Boy Meets World

This show is about a boy named Corie and his friends who go to the same school. One of Corie's friends is Shawn. Corie has a girlfriend named Tapanga. I think that I'm like tapanga cuz I answered a questionaire on AOL and the response was that I'm like Tapanga.

My Favorite Movies


I like Hercules the movies cuz it has Megara and it has Pegasus and these are the two best characters I like in this movie. Oh, I almost forgot about Hercules -- he's the star of all the characters.


Flubber is the best movie I have ever seen. Do you know why? Because the Flubber that Robin Williams made has like a dance and it's a nice dance.


Anastasia is a princess. But there is not a prince. When she was little her grandmother gave her a little a singing box and then lost it but Anastasia still had the key. Do you know who Anastasia married? She married a man named Demitri.

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