The Official Site of the Morrow Mustang Band has been permanently move to this site (yeah if you didn't know that you would be here right?) Since this has been the first major upgrade since the page was first designed, there are many new features. The photo gallery, (which needs some more pics fast!) the E-mail list, the message board, the news board, the guestbook, and the ensemble lists are active and running well. Director information, and 1998 program will be up within a few more days (hopefully). This is YOUR page, help me make it what you want it. Anything that you would like to see added can be arranged as long as you guys e-mail me. Anyway, I'm goin to take a few days off upgrading (except adding picture's, or e-mail addresses), and surf the web for some more ideas. Hopefully, there should be a sound file and video page in the near future. Take care.
This year, I am marching Baritone 1 at Spirit of Atlanta. We have several openings in the Baritone section, and in the Guard. If you are intersted in more information on auditions, fees, or drum corps in general, e-mail me.
If anyone has a video tape of the 96 halftme show, please e-mail me so I can arrange to get a copy of it next time I'm in town.