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Jensur Fligmun

Occupation: Politician
Species: Human
Sex: Female

Description: Jensur is a very able politician, she has a level head and isn't afraid to use it. She is loyal to the Ideals of Crimson Moon - to promote a balanced and secure Galactic Family.
Affiliation: Crimson Moon, The Republic
Weapons: A sporting blaster
Ship: "7-89"
Special Talents: Diplomatic Skills, Public Speaking
Home Planet: Hollan
History: Jensur Fligmun is a career politician, someone who is used to the game of diplomacy. Born on Hollan, in the Hollan System of the Hollan D 1 Sector, she is no stranger to the political arena. On her homeplanet she held a minor position in Hollan's planetary government but soon came dissatisfied with the way she was being treated - overlooked for promotion, ignored in meetings, treated like a second-class member. She quit her job and left her homeworld, vowing never to return.

She moved to Ammuud and found a position as a Commisiar in the port city of Quast. She was quickly promoted to a seat on the cities governing council but was arrested for skimming off the top and keeping the credits for herself, something she didn't do. After a lengthy trail she was found innocent but the damage was already done.

She left Ammuud and headed for yet another fresh start. She ended up on Taanab. She wasn't having any luck when she was informed of a job opening with an Imperial Faction that needed a political structure to represent it to the galaxy. Not liking the idea of working for a politicaly dead organization, but needing a job, Jensur applied for the job. After being transported to the Oan System in the Atrivis Sector and meeting with her potential employer Jensur decided that maybe this time, she had found her place. She accepted the job and now represents the Atrivis Sector, and those sectors under Crimson Moon's protection in the Republic Senate.

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