
Anke-Thea Dijkman

Let's write a text to make your message come across!

Copywriting: brochures, quotations, presentations, websites, manuals, etc.
Consulting: marketing, direct mail, e-commerce, trainings, business applications development
Translations: Dutch/English - English/Dutch, commercial, legal, technical, prose, poetry
Trainings: Windows applications, custom-made computer applications (in-company)

E-mail TekstPerfekt

I now work as Head Operations for Ouder & Kindzorg Rotterdam.
30 bureau's around Rotterdam give preventive healthcare to all 30.000 0-4 year olds in Rotterdam. Nearly 200 nurses and doctors weigh, measure, vaccinate these children, do eye and ear tests, and and give advice on nutrition, behaviour, health. Dutch children are seen by these consultation bureaus on average 14-18 times in the first four years of their lives. This health service is subsidised by the local governments.

I used to work for these two bookselling websites as technical manager.
A bricks and clicks enterprise, associated with the largest bookstores in The Netherlands.
BOEKENMEER.NL, for general and scientific books
STUDENTENBOEK.NL, books for college & university students

Now featuring
Trip to Madagascar, November 2001
The Finest Links

Fine categories such as:
Sooo Cultured, Bazar Bizarre, Awfully Handy, Dutch Finery, and High-pitched Music.
Updated April 2002.
Quill-pen Links
with links for writers, about literature and language, and creative and business/career links.
Updated April 2002
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