Scientific Advertising
By Claude C Hopkins

claude book cover

Claude Hopkins was one of the greatest advertising pioneers who ever lived.
He believed that "Advertising is salesmanship" and as such, it should be measurable and justify the results that it produced. Claude was a strong believer in "Reason why copy" and the principles that he discovered and documented are as true to day, as then. It does not matter what type of advertising medium you use, from print advertising to the Internet, the fundamental taught by Claude are universal and timeless. He believed, that a good product was often it's own best salesperson and as such he was a great believer in sampling. To help trace his results he would often uses coupons. Coupons gave him the ability to not only measure results, but feedback on how to improve results. He could now test one headline against another, or one proposition against another. This one simple strategy may not sound like rocket science stuff, but when you consider that one headline has the potential to out-pull another headline by 5, 10 or perhaps 15 times, one quickly understands the huge effect that this could have on ones bottom line profit. Below for your enjoyment and benefit is the complete text of "Scientific Advertising" in both Real Audio and PDF format. Please listen and enjoy.

Warmest regards Rod Payne


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Click on chapter numbers to hear audio

Chapter 01 - How Advertising Laws Are Established. Chapter 12 - Strategy.
Chapter 02 - Just Salesmanship. Chapter 13 - Use Of Samples.
Chapter 03 - Offer Service. Chapter 14 - Getting Distribution.
Chapter 04 - Mail Order Advertising. Chapter 15 - Test Campaign.
Chapter 05 - Headlines. Chapter 16 - Leaning On Dealers.
Chapter 06 - Psychology. Chapter 17 - Individuality.
Chapter 07 - Being Specific. Chapter 18 - Negative Advertising.
Chapter 08 - Tell Your Full Story. Chapter 19 - Letter Writing.
Chapter 09 - Art In Advertising. Chapter 20 - A Name That Helps.
Chapter 10 - Things To Costly. Chapter 21 - Good Business.
Chapter 11 - Information.  

Coming soon:
"My life in advertising" by Claude C Hopkins.

This is the 2nd book that Claude Hopkins wrote. It is a fascinating biography of his life. It explains in greater detail how he developed so many of his ideas and strategies. If you have any question, suggestions or comments that you would like to submit regarding this page, please contact me at

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Interesting reading

Below is a list of the books that I own and can recommend.

Advertising & Marketing

Scientific advertising Claude Hopkins
My life in advertising Claude Hopkins
Reality in advertising Rosser Reeves
Reason why advertising John E Kennedy
Intensive advertising John E Kennedy
The Lasker story Albert Lasker
Taken At The Flood (Albert Lasker Biograhy) John Gunther
My first 65 years in advertising Maxwell Sackheim
Power direct marketing Ray Jutkins
Communicating or just making pretty shapes Colin Wheildon
Type & Layout Colin Wheildon
Power of one to one Ian Kennedy & Bryce Courternay
How to write, speak and think more effectively Rudolf Flesch
The psychology of persuasion Robert Cialdini
Tested advertising methods John Caples
How to make your advertising make money John Caples
How to write a good advertisement Victor O Schwab
Or your money back Alvin Eicoff
Positioning Al Ries and Jack Trout
The 22 Immutable law of marketing Al Ries and Jack Trout
The new maximarketing Stan Rapp and Thomas Collins
Beyond maximarketing Stan Rapp and Thomas Collins
Direct marketing Edward Nash
Write language Allan Pease and Paul Dunn
Your marketing genius at work Jay Abraham
The Jay Abraham hot line transcripts Jay Abraham
The Jay day impact marketing material Jay Abraham
How to increase your profits in any economic climate Peter Sun
How to get rich in mail order Melvin Powers
Complex marketing made simple Bob Pritchard
Six step to FREE Publicity Marcia Yudkin
Persuading on paper Marcia Yudkin
How to Develop & Promote Successful Seminars & Workshops Howard Shenson
Direct Marketing Made Easy Malcolm Auld
Marketing with video Hal Landen
Endless Referrals Bob Burg
How to license, protect and promote your new product idea Judy Ryder
Confessions of an advertising man David Ogilvy
Ogilvy on advertising David Ogilvy
How to become an advertising man James Webb Young
The diary of an ad man James Webb Young
The art of writing advertising Dennis Higgins
How to get that “Just Right” headline James Gaw
The newspaper as an advertising medium James Gaw
A guide to successful newspaper advertising The Newspaper Advertising Bureau Of Australia
How to create and evaluate advertising that sells The Newspaper Advertising Bureau Of Australia
How to make the most of your advertising dollar The Newspaper Advertising Bureau Of Australia
Madison Avenue USA Martin Mayer
How to start and operate a mail order business Julian Simon
Mail order moonlighting Cecil Hoge
Great print advertising Tony Antin
The visual display of quantitative information Edward R Tufte
The complete guide to consulting success Howard Shenson & Ted Nicholas
How to write and speak better Readers Digest
Being direct – making advertising pay Lester Wunderman
The Lazy man’s way to riches Joe Karbo

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Personal Development

Seven strategies for wealth and happiness Jim Rohn
Unlimited power Anthony Robbins
The giant within Anthony Robbins
Think and grow rich Napoleon Hill
The power of positive thinking Norman Vincent Peal
Enthusiasm makes the difference Norman Vincent Peal
How to win friends and influence people Dale Carnegie
Super Self Charles Givens
The essence of success Earl Nightingale
Born Rich Bob Proctor
The ultimate secret to getting absolutely everthing you want Mike Hernacki
Acres of diamonds Russell Conwell
As a man thinketh James Allen
Thick face – black heart Chin-ning Chu
You can have it all Mary Kay

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How to win and keep customer Michael LeBoeuf
Ziglar on selling Zig Ziglar
Break the rules in selling Micheal Beer
The joy of winning Michael Beer
The guide to greatness in sales Tom Hopkins
The official guide to success Tom Hopkins
How to close every sale Joe Girard
How to sell yourself Joe Girard
The art of hard sell Robert L Shook
Sell to VITO (Very Important Top Officer) Anthony Parinello
How I raised myself from failure to success in selling Frank Bettger
How I multiplied my income and happiness in selling Frank Bettger
What they don’t teach you in sales 101 Steven Drozdeck
Sales Magic Kerry L Johnson
The ultimate sales letter Daniel Kennedy
Sales Secrets Harry Mills

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Business and Business Management

A passion for excellence Tom Peters
The new economics W.Edwards Deming
Out of the crisis W Edwards Deming
Presentations PLUS David A Peoples
If it ain’t broke… Break it Robert Kriegel
Grinding it out Ray Kroc
Made in America Sam Walton
The autobiography of Andrew Carnegie Andrew Carnegie
The Nordstrom Way Robert Spector
The world on time – FedEx James C Wetherbe
The Disney Touch Rod Grover
Unlimited Wealth – The theory and practice of economic alchemy Paul Zane Pilzer
God wants you to be rich Paul Zane Pilzer
Inside the tornado Geoffrey A Moore
Hardrive -Bill Gates Biography Part 1 James Wallace
Overdrive – Bill Gates Biography Part 2 James Wallace
Trump – The art of the deal Donald Trump
Rupert Murdoch Jerome Tuccille
Only the paranoid survive Andrew S Grove
The road ahead Bill Gates
You can negotiate anything Herb Cohen
Iacocca – An autobiography Lee Iacocca
Paradigms – The business of discovering the future Joel Arthur Barker
How to be rich J. Paul Getty
Be my guest Conrad Hilton
Awaken your business creativity Cyndi Kaplan
The E Myth revisited Michael Gerber
The start-up entrepreneur James R Cook
The rise and rise of Kerry Packer Paul Barry
Manage your time, manage your work, and manage yourself Merrill Douglas
Father Son & Co – My life at IBM Thomas J Watson JR
Goal Guts and Greatness Mark O Haroldson
McDonald’s - Behind the arches John Love
My year at General Motors Alfred Sloan
You will be satisfied Bob Tasca
Focus – The future of your company depends on it Al Ries
Winning through intimidation Robert Ringer
Common stocks and uncommon profits Philip Fisher
The intelligent investor Benjamin Graham

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