Calcazar's Ultimative Get Paid Surfing Heaven

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SUBJ: AllAdvantage Benefits To Denmark To Be Delivered in Your Local Currency!

Hello Christian B. Larsen, DYR-411
Member since August 1999

We intended to activate your country in February, but
some logistical challenges specific to Denmark have
prevented us from doing so. We now expect that Denmark
will be activated in the first part of March. We regret
the delay and are working hard to shorten it.

A benefit you'll be able to share in once we've overcome
the current logistical hurdles is our new payment system,
which both shields you from high banking fees -- there are
no out-of-country cheques to cash -- and reduces the risk
of currency fluctuation that you might otherwise be exposed

When we activate Denmark you'll participate in a local
currency payment plan that's being implemented in all
activated countries. Under the plan, members earn a
primary rate for their own surfing, direct rates for all
of their direct referrals, and indirect rates for all of
their indirect referrals. The Cash Statement page that
activated members in Denmark use to track their
earnings will be displayed in your local currency.

But not all your referrals will necessarily be from the
same country, and the payment rate for any referral is
based on the payment rates in the referral's country. So
our new payment system includes a currency management
process that converts out-of-country referrals' earnings
from their currency to yours.

The exchange rate at which your earnings from out-of-
country referrals accrue will be updated on the last day
of the month, and will be posted on our site shortly


1) This system will be implemented on March 1-2, and is
   expected to be in operation when Denmark is
2) Going forward, exchange rate conversions will be
   updated monthly, on the last day of the month.
3) During installation of this new system, access to our
   Web site and to our Viewbar servers will be erratic.
   Signup of new members will be nonfunctional at least
   part of the time. However, all referrals who succeed
   in signing up will be properly credited to your account.

This is just one more step as we globalize all our
processes to meet the requirements of our worldwide
membership. And we have even more ideas to help you take
advantage of the Internet!

Bill Trento
VP, Advantage Community