Company Works
  • Beijing Trademark Agency
    This is the first business web site I made, it looks simple, but it was a new beginning of my web life.
  • Cenpok - Internet Direct-Train
    The 1th version is the first Web site I designed for ISP, it has less limits for my creation, but many of my achievements were got rid of, I felt pity for that but I know there weren't any choice.
Personal Works
  • FLASHs New!
    Great FLASH works, let me show you the fantastic imagination...
  • JAVA - Biorhythms
    An Java Applet, as the gift for my parents years ago.
    I treat it as something scientific, because I believe the cycle in the universal; I treat it as a game as well as a lovely toy.
    Its 2nd version launched 4 years later, contains absolutely comforable user-interface and fully loaded function. The demo version is downloadable now.
  • Game 2 - Functions
    Maybe you'll never find out the goal I made it for, it's exactly an unexpected.
  • Calculator
    Now I feel it's a little bit ugly, How do you think of it?
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