The Page of Prayers

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This page was written toward the tribute of all those who deserve it. It is made for soldiers, firefighters, police, basically the bravest and the finest this country has to offer. Please take and share those that you truly are touched by.

Any links in bold text are my own original work.

Sincerely, Amn Joseph M. Perez, USAF



This section has special significant value to me. My best friends and one whom I would say is my little brother are firefighters. Though young, they perform to the best of there ability and do a great job. I truly do respect them for the services they render on there community. All I must say is the bravest are something we cannot live without.


The work of the police is well known to everyone in modern day society. They are implemented to serve and protect. Well in today's day and age, this might be the most trying time for police to date with the war on terror and post 9-11 state of security. These might be things that we might have adjusted to and are past but the work of the finest is always ever-changing.