
Reforming the Global Financial Architecture 
Federal Reserve Board 
IMF Under Fire? 
 Academics Join to Attack IMF 
Kunio Saito 


Dr. Mahathir Mohamad:  
Asian Economies: Challenges And Opportunities  
Annual Seminar Of World Bank in Hong Kong (20 Sept 1997) 
Malaysia: Bouncing Back from The Brink 
World Economic Forum - Working lunch in Davos, Switzerland 
(30 Jan 1999) 
Why Malaysia's Selective Currency Controls Are Necessary and Why They Have Worked  
International Symposium On Currency Controls, Kuala Lumpur 
George Soros 
Open Society Endangered 

Michael Camdessus   
Stable and Efficient Financial System for the 21st Century:  
A Quest for Transparency and Standards  - at the XXIVth Annual Conference of the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) Lisbon, Portugal, May 25, 1999.  
Preventing and Resolving Financial Crises:  
The Role Of The Private Sector - at the Bretton Woods Committee 1999 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., June 9, 1999.  
International Financial and Monetary Stability: A Global Public Good? at the IMF Research Conference Key Issues in Reform of the International  
Monetary and Financial System Washington D.C., May 28, 1999.  
Sustaining Asia’s Recovery from Crisis  at the 34th South East Asian Central Banks Governors’ Conference Seoul, Korea, May 20, 1999    
Kiichi Miyazawa 
Towards a New International Financial Architecture 


Jeremy Seabrook: Winds Of Change   
Chalmers Johnson: How America's Crony Capitalists Ruined Their Rivals  

More Articles 
The Idea of Controls on Capital Flows is Back on The Table 
Selective Controls could be a big factor in recovery 
Loss of Trust 
Small Economies Most Vulnerable 
Wrestling With Hot Money 
IMF Architects Building a Bigger Global Mess 
What the new US Treasury Chief has in store for Asia 
Korea a permanent subcontractor nation to US 
Global Market 
Asia Seeks Its Own Path to Globalism 
Taking A Closer Look at Capital Control 
Continue Push For World Financial Reform, Leaders Urged 
Financial Well Being is a Responsibility For Each Nation and the World 
A Softer, Gentler Solution 
What's Cooking at APEC Summit 
Malaysia the best story in fighting economic crisis 
Positive Results Silence Critics 
Global Experiences of Capital Controls 
Reforms Still Needed 
Call For Reform Gets Louder 
Reconstructing A New Financial Structure 
IMF Malaysia 
Capital Control 
Calling the IMF to Account 
World Bank Reserves Position On Financial Controls and On Malaysia 
Safeguarding Prosperity in a Global Financial System: The Future International Financial Architecture 
Need to Define New Financial Architecture  
Reforming IMF  
Malaysia Attempts to Capitalize on Approval  
Striking A Balance on Global Financial System  
Success of Malaysian Experiment  
Safeguarding Global Financial Structures  
Mugabe Calls For Financial Reform 
Lack of Support for Global Financial Revamp 
Self-Destructive Game of Greed Roulette 
The Rich Must Make Opennes Work 
Bretton Woods Malaise 
Western Nations Still Defending Speculators 
World Bank : Capital Controls Work Well For Malaysia 
World Bank To Study Malaysia's Capital Control 

Economist Intelligence Unit  
Country Forecast Report July 1999 
Asia Finance Regulating International Finance  
Asia Finance Capital Controls And Exchange Rate Policies  
Ian Henderson: Currency Controls Are Sometimes a Necessary Evil 
Malaysia, Korea Best Prepared For Future, Daewoo Report Says  
Among 5 Crisis Hit Nations, Korea Ranks 2nd in Growth Potential  
Crisis Challenges Globalization Thesis 

The Nation, Thailand 
Speculators drive down baht 

Back to Basics Conference, Bangkok July 1999 
Thai Govt Joins APEC to Control Capital Flow 
Harvard's Professor Cautions Exchange Flotation 
Free Flows in Capital Questioned 

Langkawi International Dialogue 1999 

A Winning Message from the Langkawi International Dialogue 


Launched on 7 July 1999
Updated 2 November 1999