Welcome to my personal homepage, site of my resume, and those of select friends, and also a place to have a little bit of fun at. Feel free to browse around, request more information, or --please, please, please--drop us a line, and we'll get back with you!
This is only my second attempt at putting a web page together. HTML and Web Publishing are not my strong points, but I've given it the old "college try," and will be welcome to helpful suggestions and constructive criticism.
I left this graphic on the left where it was because I had no other image I would have preferred there. I'll change it in time, but I like it. For now, it can remain there.
Stephanie Cruise - Resume of Huntingdon College graduate, class of 1999

Huntingdon College - Private Liberal Arts School, and my soon-to-be alma mater

- The future of technology.

- Hardware, software, programming.