We at Nelson Bach proudly inform
consumers about our product line and our new product introductions. Following
are a few of our most recent mentions in major publications:
Self MagazineNovember 2002 “Health Flash-Famous Florals” Self comments on the recent use of Bach Flower Essences by celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Cate Blanchett. As Self states, “A sip of the diluted floral elixir is said to ease stress, helping promote good health.” People en EspanolSeptember 2002 In a 4-page spread, People en Espanol provides the background and uses of the Bach Original Flower Essence system for well-being. The magazine also provides a chart providing the uses for each of the 38 essences. RedbookJuly 2002 “On the Spot Calmers” Redbook provides a “Redbook Road-Test” product review for Rescue Remedy Spray. A Redbook reviewer stated, “When my nerves got the best of me, I sprayed this on my tongue and felt better immediately.” |
We at Nelson Bach continue to promote our product line with a major advertising campaign running throughout 2003. Following are a few of our upcoming placements: January 2003 v Body & Soul (Rescue Remedy Spray) February 2003v Vegetarian Times (Rescue Remedy Spray) March 2003v Body & Soul (Rescue Remedy Spray) v Natural Health (Rescue Remedy Spray) v Alternative Medicine (Rescue Remedy Spray) v Vegetarian Times (Rescue Remedy Spray) v Yoga Journal (Rescue Remedy Spray) v Health Lifestyle & Spa (Rescue Remedy Spray) v Spa Magazine (Rescue Remedy Spray) April 2003v Body & Soul (Nelsons) v Natural Health (Nelsons) v Alternative Medicine (Nelsons) v Vegetarian Times (Nelsons) |
For the 1st Quarter of 2003, Nelson Bach introduces 2 new P.O.S. pads: “Life Changes?” and “Free Bach Mixing Bottle” Nelson Bach continues to stress the need for change on the Bach category manager to the new inserts fitting our recent Bach 20ml introduction. |
In the upcoming months Nelson Bach will provide brokers and sales reps with sales tools to aid with the introduction of Nelsons new Arnileve Multi-Action homeopathic cream. All brokers and sales reps should look to expect the following: v Product sample v Sales presenter v New Product Announcements As always, please contact NBUSA if you’re in need of replenishing sales tools for any other products. |