
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 04:05:58



Subject: Re: WM:Word Faith teaching


Yes, it is true that much of the Pensacola Outpouring and Word Faith practices appeal to certain types of Christians, particularly experience hungry Christians who unfortunately sacrifice their reason. However, you would see overlap between these distinct types of groups because both (Brownsville A/G and the Word Faith groups) are Pentecostal/charismatic in their orientation. One type easily gets confused with the other. Over 20 years ago, Walter Martin said on his tape regarding the WF teaching that if responsible, respectable charismatic leaders didn't put a stop to this WF nonsense, there will be NO authority in the charismatic movement. He said that each person's experience will be the criteria for truth, and that would "destroy us." Thankfully, the A/G has in writing condemned the WF theology officially, but still tolerates some WF teachers in our ranks, such as Marilyn Hickey, A/G minister from Colorado.
