
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 15:44:57



Subject: WM: Word Faith teaching

Jaime Castillo wrote:

><< However, if you point this out to the prosperity and Word Faith people, they would probably be appalled, and block their minds about illness, poverty, and tribulation by saying, "God promised material blessings and health, PERIOD. Ask and we shall receive, END of Discussion." This is the lethal deception of knowing only a half-truth. Such carnality is of this world. >>

Jeff responded:

>This is true. One couple got into the Word Faith movement and denied their kid insulin and kept naming and claiming the healing and their kid for a few days and the kid ended up dying from the diabetes. Both parents were jailed and wrote a book about the deception of the Word Faith deception.

Dave responds:

No Word Of Faith minister teaches anyone to deny their children of medicine. The only person I know who did that was Hobart Freeman. He was not Word Of Faith, but was thrown into the category of Word of Faith by anti-WOF'ers.

Dr. Fred Price did a teaching one day about this subject. He said that no person should ever deny their child or individual of medicine. He said it would be horrible if the person died because they followed the advice of someone saying "Don't take medicine." You fellows really need to be careful of who you are calling "Pharisees" , etc. It's so easy to cast stones and name call.