"Castillo, Jaime W." <>Date:
Thu, 17 Feb 2000 09:50:28To: "' '" <>
Subject: WM: Repentance of WOF
I already said that Dr. Fred Price does not teach it is a "lack of faith" if someone takes medicine. How many times must I say this??? WOF people have learned through the years that they have said some extreme things at one time and have repented of saying them. But yet, over the airwaves, you hear quotes of old recordings of something they no longer teach. I thought Christians are suppose to forgive? How would you like it if someone continued to repeat a sin you committed over national radio and yet, you've repented of it? ----Dave
If what you say is true, then it is indeed a great disservice to the WOF people for being harassed for their past mistakes. I will be the first to apologize if so. The question is, who holds the true WOF doctrine? LDS can claim that they too, currently do not have the implicit teachings of polygamy or racial discrimination. And they do this by WATERING down what their prophets or what their Scriptures say, or say we take it out of context, or use other proofs/testimonies. I feel that is what you do when you talk about, and defend Fred Price, or use testimonies of Hagin's "compassion" or WOF deaths.
If what you say is true, then the WOF people indeed no longer adhere to the WOF doctrine of yesterday. But the problem is we still hear reports of disasters re: people's faith (Gerald's and Jeff's post), which means that the "old" (if indeed it has been abandoned) WOF doctrine is around. AND THAT IS WHAT we are concerned about. If some of the WOF people/churches now are like Tkach's Church of God (the latter also having repented of its own mistake), then it is time to rejoice! But that still does not leave out the fact that there are still WOF churches being misled by the pernicious WOF doctrine that caused havoc in the past.
Love in Christ,