Thu, 17 Feb 2000 09:05:25To:
Subject: WM: Word Faith teaching
Richard Lee says:
>Granted, the WOF movement doesn't go that far, but can you deny that Mary Baker Eddy's teaching about sickness share
a relationship with the healing movements that antedate Pentecostalism by decades?Dave:
If you understand where Christian Science is coming from, they deny the reality of sickness. WOF people don't. They acknowledge sickness, but stand in faith and thank God in advance for healing.
Richard Lee:
What of E.W. Kenyon's influence?
I personally have never followed Kenyon's teaching. I have some of his books, but have not been influenced by him.
Richard Lee:
Many in the WOF DO in fact deny or distort the Trinity, and distort the Atonement!!! Did Kenneth Copeland repent of saying that God was a big man with a large hand span, or was he merely exaggerating?
So by describing God as such, this distorts the Trinity? Well, as Trinitarians, we do believe God is 3 persons. If we were created in God's Image and Likeness, would you not think that God does have a hand? Or is He just a formless being? You tell me. I know that the Bible uses terminology to describe God's back, eyes, ears, etc. But yes, I also recognize the poetic description of God when Psalm 91 indicates that He will cover us with His "feather" and "under His wings we shall trust." So no need to quote that Psalm.
Richard Lee:
What of the Born again Jesus doctrine, that Christ took on the nature of Satan and burned in Hell, and accomplished the Atonement there? I would agree that Christians have disagreed over just what Jesus did among "the spirits in prison", but did he accomplish the atonement there?
If I understand them correctly, and I've heard them teach on this subject. As a matter of fact, I have Copeland's tape on this, they "Born Again Jesus" means that He was the first one born from the dead and raised in an immortal body. Basically, the Resurrection. They use different wording for this. They don't believe Jesus was a sinner. Copeland clearly says that on a tape I have. He says that he, Copeland, never believe Jesus was a sinner. All Copeland said was that Jesus died the death of a sinner...meaning the crucifixion.
As far as what happened those 3 days and nights, yes, Jesus went to hell...not to suffer and burn, but to take the keys back from satan of death, hell, and the grave and made a show of satan openly, triumphing over him. Then, Jesus went and preached to the spirits in prison, the old testament saints, and set them captive. That is my understanding of what happened.