
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 19:36:52



Subject: Re: WM: Repentance of WOF

Dave wrote:

<< I already said that Dr. Fred Price does not teach it is a "lack of faith" if someone takes medicine. How many times must I say this??? WOF people have learned through the years that they have said some extreme things at one time and have repented of saying them.

** But why do they keep saying these things still? I have heard them.


But yet, over the airwaves, you hear quotes of old recordings of something they no longer teach. I thought Christians are suppose to forgive? How would you like it if someone continued to repeat a sin you committed over national radio and yet, you've repented of it? ----Dave >>

**When have they repented of said things? I still hear these things being said, from members of WOF members!
